Thursday, 18 June 2020

A little something I knocked up.

What can you make with a piece of rope and some wool. Have a look on yooootooob for instructions, lots of videos showing how to do this. 
A little bowl. The length of my rope dictated the size of the bowl. More rope, bigger bowl. The rope was very old, it had been used countless times for tying things up. Now it is a bowl. 
There is a knack to doing this, watch the videos carefully. In my haste to get started I made mistakes, see how some of the purple wool goes across two widths, it shouldn't do that. As I got going I worked it out, and the sides are better than the bottom. 

The rope was thick so you can't avoid a little bump when you fasten the end down. You have to bind the end tightly, and stitch over and over again to completely enclose the bits hanging out. 

The bottom is messy, the next one will be better. 

Held in hand to show size. It's six and a half inches across. 

Not bad for a first attempt. I might make some more of these, it fills an hour or two. Back to the drawing board to learn how to rectify those mistakes. Are you learning anything new. 'How too' videos are a lot of fun for creating something yourself. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. That would make a great little Nick knack bowl. It wouldn't scratch wooden furniture. They'd be idea for covering plant saucers too. You have set my mind ticking

    1. Nick nacks good idea, if you put a plant saucer in it you wouldn't see much of it. Maybe for jewellery on the dresser, or drop your keys in it when you arrive back home. Or a few wrapped sweeties. You could make an oblong one for the remotes.

  2. Very good! I wouldn't mind having a go at one of those. :-)

  3. That looks lovely and again showing just what things can be re used.Things that a lot of us have hanging around the house.It would look lovely with shells and stones in that have been collected from favourite holidays.And I also love the fact that the rope has been used so many times before!xxx

  4. Great finish, very clever, love the colours.

  5. Wonderful, you have inspired me to have a go. A fruit bowl would be nice.

  6. A lovely idea for a nick back basket to put your keys in. I am working on a fairy garden today has it is raining I am going to try and make a seat by the pond. Look forward to what you are going to do today IIona. Enjoy the day. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈


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