Friday, 19 June 2020

Seeing to the kids.

This is how I like to see a supermarket. If I was famous with pots of money I would pay extra for the supermarket to open just for me. Dream on, ha ha. This is the next best thing, shop when there is hardly anyone else about. There were about a dozen cars in the car park at Aldi, at 7.15pm last night, and some of them might have been staff cars, because there was about six people actually shopping. A clear run for me, no dodging dawdlers, no waiting for someone to move away from a cabinet that I wanted to buy from, and no trolleys in the way. So, my tip for stress free shopping is don't join the hoards, don't queue to get in, go in the evening when everyone is watching the tele. 
Mornings at Tightwad Towers, getting the family ready for the day. Mayze looks at me with one eye open as I enter the living room. She says, don't make a noise, I am still sleeping. Mayze will demand breakfast just as I am sitting down to eat mine. I am up and down like a yoyo waiting on these cats. 
Oscar is outside in the garden, has he been on the razzle all night? I don't think so, he hasn't any bits. He just likes the freedom of the outdoors. He sits on the table in the garden, waiting for the curtains to open. This boy isn't daft, he knows when I am up. As soon as I open the door to let him in, he wraps himself around my ankles until his food arrives, curtesy of his slave. Scoffing at the breakfast bar. 
Heidi likes to graze during the night, and can be found in any window sill. Hunt the cat. Already awake, she sleeps when she feels like it throughout the day, a bit of a night owl I think. Her breakfast is served when she is ready. She sometimes goes out first thing, or sometimes can't be bothered. 
It has been mentioned that you can make the bowls by wrapping strips of fabric around the rope. I tried it, and it was not easy. Maybe my rope is too thick, maybe I am wrapping too tightly, but it was bulky. The fabric is threaded onto a needle and the thickness makes it very difficult to push it through. I gave up. 
I started again, this time doing the wrapping and the coiling separately and trying to keep it neat. 

I thought the big black arty thing was finished, I keep looking at it, and thinking, it needs something else. So now I have stuck more bits onto it, now I must touch up the paint. So I'll keep on with it until it is to my liking. I'll get there. Be patient. 
Weather not looking too bad today, I might get a walk in later. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. It's a lovely feeling when you see no queues outside a shop and even better when it's a clear run inside.

  2. Hi Ilona, Since the start of the pandemic I have only gone to Aldi at about 7 in the evening. As you say, it's pretty empty. The only downside is there is not much fresh fruit and veg left. Never mind, frozen is just as good. Better to stay safe. I must say I always enjoy the vids where you show your haul of food bargains. Haven't seen any for a while. Probably due to lockdown? All the best Angela

    1. Hello Angela. I am sticking with Aldi at the moment because it's so much more simpler there, so I have to pay their full prices, which are cheaper than anywhere else. I haven't done a yellow sticker shopping for ages. The last time I went to Tesco I didn't like the regimental approach they had to herd customers along in the same direction. I am now shopping for convenience and less hassle. Aldi suits me better.

  3. It must be different where I live as even though shops ar elimiting, I've yet to have to wait inline. My daughter ahas at Trader Joe's, but I too hit an Aldi virtually empty.

    1. I have seen queues outside Aldi during the daytime, I won't be joining those.

  4. I've seen bowls and plates made in a similar fashion on the sewing machine ... zig zagged. I think a blind cording was used.

  5. Most of our local supermarkets have a pensioneers hour three mornings a week...nicely stress free

    1. Yes they do here. My mornings are taken up with making arts and crafts, and computer, because that's when my brain works best.

  6. I greatly enjoy your cat writings since I have five, & they just all sort of came to me. They are easily spoiled & each one can have very different personalities. Yours are lucky to have such a good care giver.
    Thanks for sharing. Mary Ann Cauthen

  7. I did fabric covered seagrass for a stool. The trick is to tie the seagrass or whatever you are using to two doors (I had the coil of seagrass pegged to one end so you can unwind it as needed). That gives you the tension you need. Then unwind your fabric around it, moving across the room. I glued mine as I went (as it had to stay in place for use on the stool.) Just the ordinary white craft PVA glue. Saves the sewing, but if you are making a bowl of it then obviously it has to be sewn.


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