Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Dreaming of when we come out the other side.

I was awake early this morning, so I took my coffee back to bed with me. I like to prop myself up with pillows and let my mind wander for the time it takes me to drink the coffee plus a bit extra. I get up when I am ready, when I have worked out a few things in my head. 
My art is mainly stored in a big suitcase inside the wardrobe, with the larger pieces wrapped and put on the top of the wardrobe. It's mounting up now, I have quite a lot. It needs to be seen, but it will be a long time before I can show it in a proper gallery. I thought about our Village Hall. When the government gives the go ahead, and the committee decide it can be opened, I could hire it for a day to show my art. 
It won't be a proper gallery, nothing will be hanging on walls, but all around the outside edge are chairs, quite nice chairs with padded seats and backs. My pictures could all be stood on those. They won't be at eye level, except for the children which might visit, but people can bend down to peer closely at the detail. 
I could put notices up around the village and in the shop window. I could put it on our facebook page, I could tell my friends to come and have a look. There won't be any prices on anything because the purpose is not to sell it. If someone shows an interest I might be open to discussion about how much I want for it. The main purpose is to get people interested in making art, having a go themselves, and making something new out of something old. It will have a recycling message. 
I am starting to think about where I might go for a holiday when we are allowed to travel. The ideal place would be somewhere remote, off the beaten track, where hopefully there won't be a lot of other people. Yooootooob videos are great for planning holidays,  I've been watching Andrew Ditton, he has been all over the place, lots of caravanning and camping. He fell in love with the Outer Hebrides ten years ago, and very bravely made the decision to live there. Sold up down south and now lives on North Uist. It looks lovely there, so I'm going to look further into holidaying there. 
Here's a video, Andrew and Dougal taking a walk on the beach. 

I need to have something to look forward to, need a plan. I can keep busy day to day, but there has to be some punctuation in the routine, something different to think about. Plans need to be spread over the short term, medium term, and the long term. Life needs to have some structure to it. To drift aimlessly is a life wasted. 
So that's what I have been thinking about. Two things to plan and look forward to. Don't give up on your dreams. I came close to thinking what's the point of it all, now I am making plans. Have you got a plan? A big plan or a little plan? Even doing something different on a daily basis can add a bit of variety to your life. 10.20am and I haven't had breakfast yet, my stomach is screaming for food. Porridge I think. 
Toodle pip.  ilona
PS. Apologies if you have been reading this post while I have been editing it. It seems I can't embed a video when using the new blogger format. I've had to open a new page with the old format, add the video, then copy and past the words that I had already written. Now going to delete the first attempt at posting. 64 people have read it without the video. 


  1. Thanks Ilona. That was a lovely video and calming music to go with it. Looks like a beautiful unspoilt place. One day ?

  2. Have you ever considered buying or even borrowing, a small motor home and travelling for a year? You could get to see some amazing places, and of course you are well used to driving something bigger than a car.

    1. That would be a very nice dream. I have thought of several alternatives to just staying here, to give myself some travel time. I would have to rent the house out to someone who likes cats. Or I would have to foster them out, cats wouldn't like either of those options. I could sell the house and buy a motorhome, the cats would have to be rehomed. I would eventually need bricks and mortar to live in, either buy again or rent. Paying rent is dead money, and I have been mortgage free for seven years which has spoilt me a little bit. Don't want to start paying for accommodation now. Spose really I want the best of both worlds. I need to put more thought into it.

  3. This post is so spot on to my mind set. I need to have things to look forward to. We had a socially distanced outdoor baby showre on Saturday-that was good. I am taking an official day off work next Thursday, and will have a four day weekend the following week so both will give me time away form my home office, where I have been for 13 weeks now on weekdays. Yes-things to look forward to are indeed a need.

    1. Although the title is Dreaming, it's nice to dream, but it's better to make your dreams into reality. Something to aim for.

  4. Our motorhome was stolen last year and we have not replaced it now thinking about buying another as the world is all topsy turvy and we do not know what traveling is going to be like in the future. Live in Scotland bit never been to the outer Hebrides looks lovely.

    1. That's a bummer, I bet you were gutted. I think a caravan or motorhome would be the best bet at the moment. You only have to converse with the site owners, no need to mix with anyone else.

  5. Do you have a local library? Our library in town does art shows some times. You might reach out to them for your art show. They often have places among the shelves and easels to display the works of local people for all to enjoy while they are visiting the library.
    It is good to make plans. I am recovering from surgery and so take one day at a time but look forward to getting out in my garden again. Thanks for always inspiring me!

    1. We have a main library in the town centre, which has now been hijacked by social services and other voluntary groups. They have reduced the size of the library to accommodate the other services. They wouldn't be interested in exhibiting work because the Arts Centre is right next door. It's hard to get in there as well.

  6. I feel the same, Ilona, I was getting quite down about the current situation and feeling that I didn't have the energy to plan anything for the future. At one point I felt ill and thought it was useless trying to carry on when nothing was 'normal' anymore. I had to make a conscious effort to turn off the bad news, play calming music and try to de-stress. It has taken a while but I feel calmer.
    What a brilliant idea of yours to show your work when you can. It will inspire so many people to craft for themselves .

  7. I try not to spend a lot of time thinking about holidays, I find it quite stressful to take a long time planning. Once I have made my mind up I like to act quickly and book it, or even better just go on the spur of the moment, with no particular plans.

  8. Before my husband had his stroke, we spent many holidays either touring in our caravan or using hotels when there were special deals out of season. We travelled all over the UK including most of the Scottish islands. We had some wonderful times. In latter years we also toured in Europe. We thoroughly enjoyed our travels but it was especially nice to come home at the end of the holiday. We have lots of great memories. We are no longer able to stay away longer than a long weekend because my husband gets too exhausted but we are so glad we did it while we could.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What has happened there?..It seems that I have used up a huge space in your comments section.I think that it must have been my Lily cat who likes to walk over my lap top all the time.If Id have known that was going to happen,I could have rambled on for alot longer,lol.Sorry about that!xxx

    2. I have deleted it Debi, the big blank space was confusing and looked a mess. You always write a lot, have you thought about starting a blog yourself, you would be good at it.

    3. Lol,I aint clever enough to do my own blog.I only know how to get to google,type something in..usually Life After Money!.And then comment,lol,xxx

  10. Aww, thanks for mentioning my little video Ilona. I hope you get to make it here soon!

    1. Yes I hope so too. I shall watch all your videos again and make notes. I think it's down to when the ferries are up and running, I will keep checking Calmac site for notifications. If you have any information let me know, email address is on my sidebar. Car is ready for sleeping in, I have a tent, I can be self sufficient, don't need all the frills. I will copy information about the camp sites.

      I was talking to my sister on the phone this morning, they went to Uist and said it is lovely. I have been to Orkney, and Mull, and my island, Iona. I call it my island because people call me that sometime when they can't get their tonsils around my real name.

      I am getting excited thinking about it. Got to have something to look forward to. Thanks for your comment.


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