Sunday, 21 June 2020

A nice surprise

Hello. An email arrived last night from Sam, which was a nice surprise. She came to my exhibition in Burton upon Trent, and bought two pictures. Here they are in her house. Her beautiful cat is posing for the camera. I particularly liked this one, it was fun to make, scraps of cotton fabric lovingly stitched into a Folk Art scene. 
And the second one, a small painting I did, acrylic on a piece of fabric. Both frames are hand painted.

Lovely to see them in someone else's house, and meeting Sam personally. Knowing she chose them because she liked them, was the icing on the cake. I'm chuffed to bits. Thank you Sam for the pics. 
I'm busy this morning, wanting to get this latest art, Hidden Treasure, finished. Thanks for popping in, Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. How wonderful IIona to have an email from Sam and so pleased she loved your pictures. I always say you have a lot of talent and really look forward to seeing Hidden Treasure.hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Thank you Hazel. Hidden Treasure is finished, and I must say, it is stunning. I think I have the look I was aiming for.

  2. That gorgeous Folk art one is right up my street.

  3. Lovely to see other people appreciating your craft work:)

  4. It's nice to see your artwork being enjoyed in someone's home.

    I still think of you every time I use my shopping bag, it's had a compliments as it still looks new, and I always say 'oh a friend made it for me'.

  5. Love the latest

    Love the Hidden Treasure. It is, indeed, a masterpiece. Your talents are many Ilona.


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