Saturday, 20 June 2020

Not ready for throwing yet.

It had to be done, my sun-visor has been broken for a while now. Normally I would remove the fabric and re cover. I've done this refurb four or five times now, saving on the cost of buying a new one. This time there was an internal problem, but the outer covering was still ok and would last a while longer. 
I unpicked the stitches across the front of the peak and removed the insides. Maybe I could stick this together, but maybe it wouldn't hold for very long. It needs a new one. 
I made a template from a cereal box, and used this to cut a new shape out of the lid of a plastic box of chocolates. 

Slot in the new one in between the layers of fabric, and stitch up the opening in matching thread with tiny stitches. There you go. This feels comfortable, a shame to throw it away. It lives just inside the front door, and it's the last thing I reach for before I go out. I don't like the sun in my eyes, it makes me squint. I don't have prescription sunglasses, don't want to pay extra for reactolight lenses, and hate those that clip over your normal specs, so this suits me fine. 

I've got a few blog posts in the pipeline now. The big black arty thing has a name, Hidden Treasure. It went off in another direction and it's growing on me, soon to be revealed. I had a good idea to turn my car into a camper, and some nice photo's from the walk yesterday. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, like the walking challenge miles. I think this increase in busyness is because I am bypassing the news. It's giving me more time to be creative. Try it, refuse to be drawn in, and find something else to do. 
I think we have some sunny days on the horizon. Tatty byes, ilona


  1. You should need your new visor next week as they say we are going to have a heatwave. We could do with a tad more rain first here on the Essexcoast.

  2. I love your new sun visor. While on a vacation to a sunny spot earlier this year, I realized I didn't have my clip-on sunglasses. While in the Dollar Tree store where everything sells for a dollar or less I spotted some sunglasses. Hey, they fit perfectly over my regular glasses and now I wear them all the time when sunglasses are needed because they're easier to put on than the more expensive clip-ons.

  3. I'm chuckling here at your ingenuity, Ilona. I would never have thought of a repair like that and quite easily done, by the sound of it. You're an absolute legend! Enjoy the sunshine next week.xx

  4. It looks great Ilona. I think I could do with a sun visor too. I could try and make one from scratch using yours as inspiration?
    Jacquie x

    1. If you have a baseball cap you could cut the top out of it and leave a band to go around the head. I did that once when I was on holiday and lost mine. Or you could make one from scratch. It's just a band with a peak, Velcro to fasten at the back.

    2. Hi, that's exactly what I've been doing for years,cutting the top off a baseball cap. Once in France on a very hot day, I had my home made visa on and à mechanic said ' is there no sun in England then' because there was no top in my 'hat'!!! while away in my campervan. I've always admired the 'jazzy' colour of urs, so now I'm off to find my u picker!!!!!

    3. I don't like baseball caps at all. I don't like the way they flatten the hair on top of my head. I like the way a bit of my hair sticks out of the top of my sun visor. They are easy to re cover, Sue. Pick your own colours and customize yours. Be different.

  5. My eyes feel more sensitive to bright light lately, too. My sister has a pair of sunglasses that are large enough to put right over her glasses (but don't look weird!) so I have to look for a pair like that, I think, when I get the okay to shop again. You are clever with how you can repair everything!

  6. You are 'making do' in style.Looks great.

  7. An excellent fix for the sun visor. I got the prescription sunglasses because I get headaches from too much glare and in Australia, too much glare is practically year round, so they've been worth every dollar I paid. I've had them seven years now and rarely need the migraine pills anymore.

  8. You are a wonderful wonder!
    Thanks for the inspiration---the reminder that we can get in the HABIT of asking,
    "Can this be remade or mended or used for something else?"

  9. I was talking to my mother-in-law on the phone this morning (she lives about 6 hours away), and she, too, is disgusted with the news and has stopped watching it. It's just one thing after another, and enough is enough! I am thoroughly enjoying your art and creativity; keep creating! You are a bright spot in this dim and dark world lately.


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