Saturday, 27 June 2020

Getting ready for camping

I slept in my previous car a few times, I used a thick piece of foam which covered the whole of the back. It was ok, comfortable enough, but this arrangement is going to be better. The sunlounger fits in perfectly, and with it's original mattress plus the foam folded in half it's going to be super comfortable. The Ford Focus Estate ticks all the boxes for me. 

Lying stretched out on my back, which is my preferred sleeping position. Privacy glass means I can see out and nobody can see in. 
I am 5ft 5ins, plenty of room for me. 
I have plastic boxes for storage of bits and bobs. Small camping stove, food, pots and pans etc. Change of clothes, and wash gear. Plastic bowl and water. At the bottom end there will be space for the tent, small table and a chair, and a pee bucket. I have a portapotti if I need it. 
I have made a curtain to go across the front. There isn't enough headroom to sit on the bed, but if I need to sit in because it's raining, I can move the pillows across to the side to make it comfortable and sit on the carpeted floor. 

I won't be rushing off anywhere soon because everyone else will be on the move when the restrictions are lifted. I will give it a month or so for things to calm down, then I will choose my camp sites carefully. There is no need for me to interact with anyone, except booking in when I arrive. If the toilet blocks are not open that's ok, I will be self sufficient. I have the option of putting the tent up alongside the car and using that for washing and toilet facilities. If the toilet blocks are open it will be a quick poop in the morning and out again, taking with me a seat cover, rubber gloves and soap. 
So, that is the plan. I don't feel like I want to use hotels, or hostels, don't want to go to busy places, and will look for small sites with well spaced out pitches, where I can walk from. When it's time to go away I will fill the car up with petrol, and shop at Aldi for food to take with me. I am well used to peeing behind a hedge if I need to during the journey, otherwise no need to stop till I get to the site.   
Now I have that sorted I don't feel so trapped. I would hate to think I cannot go anywhere ever again, my freedom has always meant a lot to me. This set up makes me feel better, it is there when I need it. 
Have a nice weekend. We have rain today, a welcome break from the searing heat. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. Looks fantastic! Super cozy. Have a great time. Share some of your photos. :)

    1. Yes, there will be photo's, maybe even a video.

    2. Very nice. I have a 2016 rav4 and I also have it setup like yours. In my opinion we have all we need to travel the US and see all the beautiful places that RVs and even vans can't go. Enjoy the ride!!!!

  2. It's great you've got your mobile hotel. You will be free to go where you like.

    1. The joys of freedom cannot be emphasized enough.

  3. Neat simple camping arrangement, and it looks comfortable.

    1. I have slept on the bed many times before, it is comfortable.

  4. Excellent idea and well instigated. I'm sure you'll be enjoying getting out and about before too long.

  5. the camping and caravan club do small sites for five tents etc. At a very reasonable price. You must be a member but you might like to have a look. We used them with our motor home they have water and facilities to empty your toilet and most now have electric hook up .

    1. I've had a look at their web site, I will join up. Thanks for the recommendation.

  6. Admirably self-sufficient!
    You'll enjoy it when you go, I bet.

    A young friend of mine went bike-camping for the first time--
    she just wanted to get out of the city.
    She tied her little tent & sleeping bag to her bike rack and pedaled 40 miles to a state campground on the river--she said there were few people there.
    Only problem--she got a rash from poison oak!

    1. There's nothing that beats an adventure, even if it does make you itchy and scratchy.

  7. You have thought of every need, very well organised. I too look forward to taking our van for a couple of short trips away this summer if all is ok. My problem is how to fix curtains between the front seats and the back of the van for privacy, please my I ask how you fixed your own?

    1. I have two grab handles just above the front doors, one on each side of the car. A bungee elastic hooks onto those. I made the curtain double sided and stitched a line across to make a channel to thread the elastic through. Can be easily hooked up at night when needed.

  8. Some friends have just bought a camper van, you are getting ready for a camping trip....I'm definitely getting itchy feet ...but not in this weather- it's pouring! Vicki

    1. We are having some heavy showers here at the moment, but I was lucky this afternoon for my five mile walk. No rain, it was warm, and windy.

    2. Hi similar to what I intend to do. I've a Honda crv and the boot liner also folds in to a table when not in use. Plus a tiny fridge in the dash for butter and a can of drink.

    3. Sounds good Dagg. I can manage without a fridge. I'll choose foods that don't need refrigeration, packets and tins that need warming up on a small camping stove. Mug of coffee first thing in the morning with Coffee Mate.

  9. Looks great love the sound of rain sooooo relaxing,forget about everything and enjoy.

    1. I used to lie in bed at night in the lorry and listen to the rain on the roof. It sent me off to sleep.

    2. When I used to have my caravan,I loved it when it rained at night.It helps me sleep too.At home I sometimes put a you tube video on with the sound of rain..I think it goes on for 4 hours.That helps me sleep

  10. Hope it's not too long before your adventures begin. Maybe have a one night practice before you travel too far, just to make sure you have everything you need. Also a small fire extinguisher might come in hand - maybe you already have one - happy travels :)

  11. Sounds like a plan! I think we all need something to look forward to in these strange times. You've got your adventure sorted, Ilona, and can't wait to hear all about it. Sounds great! xx

  12. Been thinking along these lines myself,I have an estate car but thinking of buying a small basic van for a bit more room,anyway love what your doing and we all want lots of photos and vids please lol.

    1. I thought about getting a van instead of this car but I wondered if vans were more prone to break ins because of crooks wanting to steal tools etc. Also I think insurance companies are reluctant to insure a van for private use because of this. A van would need to be boarded out to give a bit of insulation, bare metal is very cold.

    2. The van would be fully insulated,looks fairly simple to do,I will have to look into your other points but think its worth it for the extra room,thinking of a car derived van upto maybe a vivaro long wheelbase,will see how it goes,thanks for your input Ilona.

    3. I like the Vivaro, my plumber has one. It looks sleek, he has side windows and a row of seats behind the front seats so he can use it as a family vehicle as well. I've been watching lots of van and car conversions on yooootooob, there are some clever ideas. One of the simplest for making a bed in the back is to buy sturdy garage style plastic shelving which comes apart. Make it up as four separate tables which fit in the back, cable tie the legs together so it doesn't move, mattress on the top, storage underneath. Saves building a frame with wood.

    4. Love the bed base idea Ilona,thank you.

  13. My husband and I always used the C & C sites when we did camping, have lots of fun IIona.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  14. Look for free camping sites.

    1. Thank you, I'll check it out.

    2. I think USA is a bit too far for me to travel.

  15. So lovely to be looking forward to an adventure out in the fresh air.
    The comfort of a foam mattress depends on the density, you may be able to get a high rated dense piece at a recycle place if you would rather be able to sit up without the sunlounge.
    A tarpaulin to go from the car(roof racks or caught in doors) to a tree is always handy, especially to cover your tent.
    Happy travels

  16. Sounds like you have all the boxes ticked. We could - at a pinch - sleep in the back of our Nissan too and it has good head-room, being van shaped. Enjoy, when you get away. We're shielding, so it's shank's pony for us.

  17. That looks like a brilliant set up, it's surprising how much room you have in there. Who needs to fork out thousands for a camper van when you can modify what you already own.

    1. Campervans and motorhomes are lovely, but some of them are the price of a house, and who would want to risk getting that stolen. I wouldn't dare leave it anywhere. Sometimes simple is best and not draw attention to yourself.

    2. Ours was stolen last July, insurance paid out in a week. Waiting to see how Brexit goes, before buying another. Yes it I a luxury, but we used it some times living in it for five months at a time.

  18. Your car looks well organised and importantly, comfy! Hope you find some quiet campsites for your travels :)

  19. I am thinking of doing the same thing in October. Keeping my eye out for a Dodge Caravan.

  20. Nice camping ,I enjoy same and many camping areas to go to as I live in Texas,best wishes and camping


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