Sunday, 28 June 2020

Helicopter surveilance is hotting up.

I am stunned, there has been six and a half thousand page views on yesterdays post, Getting ready for camping. It wasn't that interesting, was it! I think the search engines are picking it up because everyone is gooooglying the word 'camping' at the moment. People are wanting to break free and go off and do their own thing. It has risen to the second most viewed post of all time on the blog, within the last 24 hours. WOW. 
Anyway, it was a great day for walking yesterday. I took my wet gear just in case I got caught in a downpour, but luckily it stayed dry. It was warm and breezy, just right. I love to see the different cloud formations drift across the blue sky. 

Oh wow, flippin heck, what is it. Didn't expect to see that, and the noise, deafening. 
Remember the pea planting, look at them now. The little babies are growing up fast.
Playing with some filters.
A different shade of green.
Looks gloomy but it wasn't. 
Here pussy pussy pussy. Must have escaped from the zoo. 
The weather today looks much the same as yesterday. We are coming up to the end of the month and half way through the year. A shout out for the International Walking Group, time to catch up if you are lagging behind, time to relax if you are ahead of yourself. Check in day is on Wednesday the 1st of July. Best foot forward. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I've spotted lots of helicopters recently flying backwards and forwards over the river ... no tigers yet though ;-)

  2. I do like the photos you take on your walks.They always make me feel more inclined to go out and walk myself.I am going to get a good walk today,because it looks like Leicester,where I live,is going into strict lockdown again.And the way alot of people have behaved for the last 3 to 4 months,it doesnt shock me.If it happens,well then I feel like we are back to square 1 and the last 100 days have been a waste of time.Where I live,it has been people just carrying on as though nothing is wrong.I have sorted out about 20 more books,to leave out for people to take and sent a box of unwanted clothes to a lady who takes in any unwanted rabbits,hamsters and sells the clothes on a facebook group to pay towards the up keep of them,food,bedding ect,until they are re homed.Well,Im off to get my second cuppa of the day and sit in the garden.Its dull n damp,but calming and at least I can watch my sunflower growing,lol,Take care,xxx

  3. Did you really come face to face with a tiger or are you playing around with your camera?

    1. Having some fun with the editing programme on my computer. No tiger, no helicopter.

    2. Lol,I believed the helicopter!!,xx

  4. As much as I like cats, that is not a cat I would want to meet out while walking. You are much braver than I. I wouldn't have had the presence of mind to photography it! LOL It is fun to play around with editing programs, isn't it?


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