Sunday, 30 August 2020

Book collection.

I was having a tidy up of my cupboards and drawers when I came across my book collection. Aaah, there they are, I knew I had some somewhere. 
I started to read one of these quite a while ago, got a few chapters into it, and then got distracted. I think I might give it another go. Would probably need to start again at the beginning because I can't remember much of the story. Something to do on a miserable winters day I think.
Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. How unusual to have 5 books with your name as the title!.You must have been well chuffed each time you saw them and I would have to keep them even if I didnt get round to reading them! I love your little china cat by the way.I am still having a bit of a clear out of my books and mags but the animal charity shop I give them to still isnt open.So they are just sitting in a pile at the moment and giving me too much time to think do I want to part with them or not!xx

  2. How wonderful--I love your collection! AND your bookend.
    I looked up the book--it was published in the year of my birth (1961). Maybe a good read for miserable winter weather?
    I'd be interested in a book review, if you read it.

  3. Yes... books & winter go hand-in-hand in my world... and that time will be here before we know it. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. I have over 1500 books in my home. I spent every penny of my pocket money years ago on books. Then I worked for years in various libraries, public and medical. Nothing better than a good book and a warm blanket when Autumn draws in.

  5. How fun to have a novel with your name as title! Reading a review of Ilona at it sounds like an interesting and intriguing story!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.