Thursday, 27 August 2020

Coffee chat. Looking at the news.

Hello. People have asked for more coffee chats, so here you go. Sorry it's a bit long, but you should be used to my waffle by now. Scroll on by if you can't be bothered. Unlike a lot of yoootoooobers you wont hear me asking you to hit the Like button, or Subscribe, because quite frankly I don't care if you don't like it, and don't mind if you take a look without subscribing. I felt a bit of humour is needed for this one. 
We've just had a massive downpour here. I'm glad I didn't go camping this week. I got a bit of hedge trimming done in the garden before the rain came. My new picture is coming along, I've added more paint. First I wanted clean sharp edges, now I have sprayed it with water and smudged them. Still not 100% happy, I think I want a mixture of both, sharp edges and smudges. I'll dab a bit more paint on. I was going to do some stitching over it, now I'm not sure if that is needed. 
I see my bloggy followers list has increased, welcome new people. 
Thanks for popping in, Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Me and hubby love your coffee chats. They are always inspirational. You can waffle on to your heart's content!!

    1. If you can stand it I may waffle a bit more. In the real world I see people giving me a wide berth, and not because of the virus but because I might open my mouth and engage them in a conversation which never ends. At least when I write things down or speak into a camera I have a captive audience, ha ha.

  2. I do enjoy your coffee chats, but it may be worth getting rid of a MSN unless it really does entertain you. I use Google chrome as my browser and then when I turn on the screen all I get is the Google search engine. That way I can read what I want.

    1. Yes I could get rid of it, but I view it as a source of amusement.

  3. Love Maisie girl's seating arrangement - lol! Our kitties are so smart, aren't they? And I do enjoy your coffee chats, but like The Furry Gnome, I have Google as my browser and simply get their search screen. No junky clutter to annoy me. Makes life simpler. I am watching much less tv news, sticking to my books and walks. Living in Trump-land, it's the only way to preserve sanity.
    Love your nice big coffee mug!

    1. Mayze knows she can twist me around her little finger.

  4. "It's just full of... like... crap!" :-P :-D You're my kind of woman, Ilona. We are definitely sistas!

    ~Andrea xoxo

  5. I don't know where they get the "news" these days, what are they going to talk about when the "virus" isn't happening, that's what I want to know!

    1. Something else will come along to fill the gap. If it doesn't they will make it up.

  6. Lol,you are so right about the crap thats in the papers!.I skim through the Daily Mail at some point during the day and most of it I dont read,because Im fed up hearing about so called celebs curvy bottoms and ample chest as they wear a bikini that is 3 times to small for them..why dont they buy one that fits?..oh,I know..they show more flesh that way,lol.Also claims that ..House wives are whipped into a Frenzy because some one has found out how to clean a plastic dish out!I dont know how we have managed all these years without that snippet of information and to be whipped into a frensy at the same time!!,And as for Meeeeegan and Harry..I am really not interested!!.I would much prefer to have a wander around my garden,with a cup of coffee and listen to the birds singing.Thanks for the Coffee chats,Im really enjoying them!xx

    1. And what about pert derriere, when they mean fat arse. And hair perfectly quaffed when they mean tied back in a pony tail. And showcasing a new look when they mean she scrubs up well. I wonder where some of these so call journalists were educated.

  7. Jac here (the gmail thing came up with my grandson's so I decided to pretend to be him!)
    I don't know what you put in your coffee this morning but I want some! Your video has left me crying with laughter. Every morning I do exactly as you describe with MSN and every morning I wonder why I waste the time but you're right - it's pure entertainment.

    1. Hi Jac, glad you like it. Just add your name in with the text, then I know it is you, and not a troll.

  8. More of your coffee chats please Ilona!


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