Wednesday, 26 August 2020


 It rained all day yesterday, I didn't go out at all. Last night I went to bed at 10.45pm, I couldn't get off to sleep, I wasn't tired. Five minutes later I got up again. It was boring just lying there. I looked out of the window and it had stopped raining, so I got dressed and went out for a walk, my three mile walk around the village. It was after midnight when I got back, that's better, straight to sleep the second time.

I've been a walk today, my usual five miles. Then I did a Billy dog walk. Don't think I will have much trouble going to sleep tonight. I like to collapse into bed completely shattered. 

The nights are drawing in now, shorter days are not good for camping. I will maybe have one more trip before the autumn and winter comes. 

My bank statement came today, I still get a paper one in the post. I like to see it all written down so I can keep it for reference. I don't seem to be spending much just lately. Nothing to spend it on. Nothing I need, nothing I want, except food and to keep a roof over my head. 

I am starting to yawn now, so I'd better get up those apples and pears. I am hopeless at writing a blog post this late in the evening. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Ive noticed too how the nights are starting to draw in and I can see what you mean about camping.It makes it a long night when it gets dark earlier.You took one of your risk that you were talking about by going out for your walk so late!.I wouldnt have dared to do that where I live!.Off thread..again,lol..I was given a beautiful knitted patchwork blanket yesterday.An elderly lady who my Daughter takes a food parcel to,had been knitting it during lockdown and wondered if any of my daughters family would like it.I am going to write her a Thank you card and send her a couple of the lavender bags that I have been making.Hope you sleep well tonight,xx

    1. Debi, I don't know what it's like where you live, but from what you've said about it, I might consider moving.
      Yes, I slept well, thank you.

    2. Strangely enough,me and Hubby spoke about considering leaving the other day but to be honest,I wouldnt know where to move in Leicester where it is any better!!.We have lived in this house over 42 years and it used to be lovely until the council thought it fit to move various druggies in the area..or any undesirables for that matter!.With having 5 cats it would be a big wrench for them too.All my Family live within 5 mins as well.Maybe,I make it sound worse than what it is,lol..but over the last five years I think it has gone downhill.It isnt the houses..they are lovely..its the people the council are putting in them.And thats what makes or breaks an area.xx

    3. Same here in Kettering Debi. We just shut ourselves away after dark and lock up

  2. Sleep well. I dont always comment but enjoy your blog.

    1. I like reading your blog but don't always comment, so we're quits.

  3. I love to fall into bed half-asleep myself, Ilona... but it seems I have to stay up until well past 1am for that to happen. Ugggghhhhhh.... another sign of being an empath.... insomnia. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I like to keep busy all day so I am dog tired at night. Must go for a walk though.

  4. I can never sleep if I can't get out walking. It's as if I've got lots of trapped energy! I also think you seem to need less sleep as you get older. Have a good Thursday Ilona😀


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