Friday, 28 August 2020

Lovely grub

 Hello. What a miserable day it has been today, almost none stop rain again. Best to stay indoors then. 

Here's a question, how many of you are secret nibblers. I am usually quite hungry when I make myself a meal, so I nibble something as I am making it. This is what I can't resist at the moment. It is the tradition to have crackers and cheese after a meal, I always thought that was a bit daft, the meal should fill you up. I have my crackers and cheese before the meal. The Cheese Thins from Aldi are lovely, and not that expensive, and the Mini Roule just tops them off perfectly. They also make a pineapple variety which is nice, but I like this garlic and herbs better. 

My lunch yesterday. I love the pasta and spinach with pine nuts. My kind of meal, straight from the fridge. Raw mushroom, cucumber, potato salad, lettuce leaves, and Wensleydale cheese with cranberries. Yum, perfect. 

Today I made a big pan of vegetable soup, enough for three days. 
I took the cover off the sewing machine this afternoon and made two strips of bunting, using up some cotton fabric scraps. I will give one set away, and put the others in stock for a future sale. If and when we can start doing normal things again. 

I will go shopping tonight, I'm not sure of the opening times over this Bank Holiday weekend so I'll do it tonight at 8.30pm. 
I don't go out when it's Bank Holiday, too many people on the move, the roads are too busy. I'll wait till next week. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. The bunting looks wonderful.

  2. I love that cheese. I have it on crackers for supper or for a snack.

    1. I've been to Aldi tonight and bought some more of the cheese and crackers.

  3. Oh that meal looks delicious! And the cheese crackers too.
    Have a lovely week-end.

  4. Will your area be as busy as usual, over the Bank Holiday, since the virus is "out there"? I don't nibble since I'm diabetic (did you know you could develop diabetes from incurring a broken back?! Me either... til it happened!) and crackers are usually high in carbs so I have a tendency to steer away from those. But I enjoy hearing about good foods, no matter if I can or do eat them or not. Happy Weekend. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. That meal looks very tasty indeed. I quite fancy making some lavender bag bunting and hanging it in the window. It would smell gorgeous when the sun shines on it and warms the lavender

  6. I am a nibbler. If I'm feeling quite hungry late after having dinner, I will have a snack of rye crackers or whole meal slice of bread and a few thin slices of cheese. If I'm not feeling real hungry I might make a simple fruit smoothie (fruit, a bit of collagen or protein powder, water and some greens like spinach or lettuce). Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Hi Ilona.Well it was a very rainy day here in Leicester yesterday as well but my garden always looks better for it.I planted some seeds from a butter nut squash last week and I noticed this morning they are sprouting through really well.I too used up a load of veg yesterday and made a stew.I love the look of your meal...Ive never thought about putting raw mushrooms on a salad..I will try that,and I know what you mean about cheese and crackers.I cant stop eating them once I start,lol.Hope every one has a lovely weekend,xx

  8. My grandson loves cheese thin crackers and so do I.

    1. They can be a bit addictive, a bit like crisps can.

  9. Hi llona, I have recently re discovered butter puffs, haven't had them for years, they're a bit softer than crackers and a bit kinder to your mouth if you have dentures, I like them with jam, you can have them with sweet or savory additions. As always your meal looks delicious. Margaret xx

  10. We have a new store open within walking distance of my house " A Taste of Britain " I am in trouble !! they have all the lovely things I miss from back home, of course they cost a arm and a leg ( not sure why they charge so much for food from another country when nearly all food does come from somewhere else ) I bought a pork pie and cheese from Mull of Kintyre, penguins, curly wurly, flakes etc you get the drift.! Love the bunting you made, I made one last year from old nursing uniforms at the thrift store. Having a cup of tea and homemade bread with jam.

  11. In New Zealand you have a cheese and nibbles board before the meal. Lovely platter of different cheeses, tomatoes, strawberries, crackers, crisps etc which everyone shares along with a drink of course.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.