Friday, 21 August 2020

It's the little things which amuse me.

Sometimes it hurts my head to have so much common sense. Sometimes the obvious is not so obvious to other people. 

The grass cutting team are out today. Not sure if they are Council employees, or private contractors. The work was put out to tender I believe, and changes were made to how the job would be carried out. So far all is well. The grass is being cut to a good standard and not left to grow too long. The intervals between cuts are just right. 

The team are in the village this morning. There are three workers, one on the sit on mower, another carrying the strimmer to tidy up the edges, and a third was this chappie. He is carrying a petrol driven blower, generally used for blowing leaves away, but on this occasion, blowing the grass trimmings from the pavement, (sidewalk if you are across the pond), back onto the freshly cut grass. 

So why am I amused? Because it's blowing a hoolie outside. The trees are bending, the hedges are dancing crazily, and the shards of grass are blowing everywhere all on their own. The chappie marched up and down the road following the mower, going through the motions and waving his tube about, to create the illusion that he was actually doing something. Did someone in the transport office look out of the window this morning. 

Have a nice day. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Heaven forfend that routines and protocols could be adapted with the occasional bit of common sense, eh Ilona?

  2. That is when they are told to do it, so they do! I wish those leaf blowers would be used to suck instead of blow, if they have to use them.
    It is sad to see them on the ride-on mowers doing the Grass Grand Prix, looking thoroughly wet and miserable, and cutting grass in conditions that we never would do the job in!

  3. But, but, that's the way we have always done it!!! LOL
    Common sense has been in real short supply the last few years.

  4. He may be chuckling at the situation himself. Our sprinkler system is on a timer at this community. Last night, after buckets of rain, it awakened me coming on in the wee hours. Why it can't be adjusted in the rainy season here I have no idea...

  5. Yes, they used to hoover the leaves up but now they blow them somewhere else and then they come back! Hope you have a good weekend Ilona and manage to go out walking xx

  6. Yes, they used to hoover the leaves up but now they blow them somewhere else and then they come back! Hope you have a good weekend Ilona and manage to go out walking xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.