Thursday, 20 August 2020

Morning coffee chat. Life is what you make it.

Hello. The shopping trip to Aldi went like a dream last night. Once again, at 8.30pm, there was hardly anyone in the shop. I had whole aisles to myself. No dodging other shoppers, no hovering waiting for them to move. Half an hour after arriving I was out, £40 lighter, paid with cash, and everything I wanted. No hassle, easy peasy. I called in the petrol station and managed to stop the pump at exactly £20, handed two tenners in cash over the counter. 
I made a video this morning.
This afternoon I took Billy dog a walk. It has been a lovely sunny day, we went around the fishing pond, for a change, somewhere we don't normally go. He was excited, lots of lovely new smells. 
I had a chat with my friend Ken this afternoon, we had a can of a cider in my back garden. He is back in the village and is looking for a motor home to go travelling in. I've been keeping busy today. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. You're right about a miserable atmosphere everywhere. Almost no point going out with all the rules and regulations and being controlled and told where to stand and what to do and how to behave. And then I feel that's where they want us to be - isolated and fearful and at home. I don't know where this will all end - it's horrifying.

    1. I often think about what might happen in the future, but, we have to live in the now. I am 71, how much longer have I got? I don't know. It would be a shame to waste it on wondering what if, because what if might never happen in my lifetime.

      Some things are beyond our control, the world will evolve, no matter how much we worry about it. Stay informed but don't let it overwhelm you.

    2. I know.... there are just so many restrictions and no end in sight; it's ruining simple pleasures.

  2. I love our Aldi too. I've heard that here you can order online & pick it up at curbside. I've only done that with Walmart but it works out very well, so I just stick with Walmart for the curbside stuff. Yes, indeed... life is what you make it and as the Harley-Davidson motorcycle commercial says, we make it one hell of a ride. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  3. Keep on waffling dear Ilona, this came at the right time for me. Life is what you make it, brilliant. My son has moved me closer to where he lives, I've got a free house (his) and all, I was paying rent where I was before and living in a seaside town and boy was I missing it, I am now in an inland town (cooold at night and in the mornings) everything different. He has given me 2 years before I am able to "go back", and I was thinking of all the terrible things wrong with this small town. But I realise that for the first time in a long while I have great earth around me, that will grow anything (my parsley is about 2 foot high!) and I love gardening, so long story short, I realised I will stay here and "garden on". Hope all you know are well and stay well in these difficult times, best wishes from Robyn (redelder)

  4. Good morning Ilona. Thanks for your encouraging video! The flowers are beautiful, so cheerful. I think we need lots of positive vibes right now. Hope you have a good day xx

  5. Thanks for that video, I really needed that message today - Life is what you make it!!! You do cheer me up, your an inspiration. I Wish I could make those flowers, they look so pretty and would look amazing in a jar. Enjoy your day xx

  6. Lol,I love your videos and never stop waffling on!!.At least you know that there are people at the end of your camera listening to you...I waffle on to my self in the kitchen without an audience,lol.It is really nice to have your morning chats and I hope that you might consider doing them weekly...please!!.Lol,I sound like a kid in a sweet shop!.Im pleased that your shopping went well and I have thought for the last few years,that on the whole Tesco is far more expensive than Aldi.I miss the chats at 8am where me and the other few bargain hunters use to stand and wait for them to open to get their early morning half price bargains.I wonder if they still do seems a long time ago now!Like Im talking about the olden days.Was it only 5 months ago?...Anyway,its good to see you looking well.I might try those flowers,I didnt realise how easy the petals are to make!.Ive got some odds n ends of material from my hubbys shirts,that had gone that thin,they were ripping as I was ironing them.I cut the backs out of them and made them into tea towels,but Ive still got the rest of the shirt that I was going to use as Im rethinking..petals!,Well today there looks like there is a storm brewing in Leicester so I thought that I might try some fake tan on my lily white legs..the things I do to avoid house work,lol.My grandaughters didnt want it so I thought that I would give it a go!.Hope that you have a lovely weekend and your so right that life is what you make it..and we have to make the best of each day.Can yer hear me Mother!!.Stay safe,xxx

  7. Good advice Ilona takes an effort to look on the bright side but better for your health and encourages others best wishes Marie in australia

  8. I've found a video on u tube about making the fabric flowers but there's no info on making the leaves and stalk! I'm keen to get crafty!

    1. I didn't find any videos on making leaves and stalks either. So what does one do when there are no instructions? Experiment. Wire, green wool or strips of green fabric, and green felt.

  9. I just love your coffee chats...I hope you will keep doing them! You are wise and to the point and just seem to get it! Enjoy your YouTube videos very much. Thank you for taking the time to post them!


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