Thursday, 13 August 2020

Morning coffee chat.

Hello. I made a video this morning and put it on yoooootoooob. This has had a lot of interest. If you want to read the comments click on the youtube symbol on the bottom right of the video and it will take you there. Otherwise just watch it here. 

Six flowers made, more to come. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Hello Ilona. I don't always agree with you BUT this time I agree 100 percent! People need to wake up and think for themselves. Do research and truly think about what is being fed to us by the main stream news media. Also, I know of many people that are collecting $3,000 a month from the government because of this covid 19 assistance. All of them are collecting more than they made working. Some are over 80 years old!! I'm sure there are exceptions but not that I know personally. Not many take responsibility for themselves....but want the government to take care of them. Of course not all, but I do believe most. We are in our 70's and still live on 2 acres. Do all our own maintenance here, work hard, try to grow our food, raise chickens, and love our independence. We answer to the real God not those who think they are gods. Patty McDonald

  2. I watched your video to the end. Well said Ilona I absolutely agree. Here in the USA it also is and was orchestrated to take away our rights and freedoms. Both I and my husband know it is a political ploy. Thank you so much for having the guts to openly State your feelings !!!

    1. Yes, it does take guts to voice your opinion on things these days. A lot of people become keyboard warriors and will not disclose their identity to the words they spew forth. I have no time for those people. Anyone with opposing views to me can write their own blog, make their own videos, and put their views across in a variety of ways . All I am doing is encouraging people to think for themselves. If people want to wear a mask, then go ahead.

      I expected a backlash from this, some of my readers will stop reading, that's their choice.

  3. I’m sorry, but the entire world of “they” orchestrated this to control and take away freedoms?

  4. These fabric flowers are beautiful! Thank you for showing them to us.

    1. I will keep adding to them and hopefully end up with a lovely bunch in a vase.

  5. I totally agree Ilona...and I am scared of what the future is going to be.Qh I could go on for hours discussing it all,and you know what...there is nothing I can do to stop it.It is frightening.It sounds daft,but I am starting to feel as though we are in the old Planet of the Apes film!I hate the control that is over us now and like you,I just want to live a normal simple life.Without every move being controlled and watched over.xx

  6. I meant to add this at the end of my last comment...I love it when you say the good old fashioned saying...Can yer hear me Mother!.If I remember rightly it was from an old comedy show in the 60s...was it Jimmy Jewel who used to say it?xx

  7. I agree with you 100%. The ones that are criticising you clearly haven't done any research of their own. This has been planned for a very long time and it is finally here. They can only succeed if the public 'police' each other, which is clearly happening. Life will never be the same and I am glad I am now elderly.

  8. You may like to look at Anna Brees You Tube channel who is giving a voice to people to speak about their take on the present state of affairs. I agree wholeheartedly with you. Thank you for posting your morning chat.

    1. Thank you Rachael. I have watched just about all of Anna's contribution videos, I'm a big fan. When I see other people speaking out it gives me confidence knowing I am not alone. The truth will come out eventually. If you see one from Graham French 119, ex IT Solutions Consultant, watch it. Clever man.

  9. People who have, years ago, predicted all this were considered to be nuts. In light of the way our lives are now being controlled they are the Truth Theorists, surely? Wars have always been about making countries bankrupt. Enough said!

    1. Sometimes predictions have the habit of coming true. I remember the egg scandal, Mrs Currie said most of the eggs are contaminated with salmonella. There was an uproar. It turned out to be true.

  10. All sane people think for themselves!

  11. Agree with you 100%, Ilona. The plague story has been orchestrated to create fear, isolate us from each other and reality itself. The protesters and naysayers to the real truth I fear may be paid to do so.

    1. Every day new figures are coming out, the onslaught is relentless. I don't believe any of it.

  12. Hello, Ilona - I've read your blog for many years and enjoy it so much! Here in the US we're experiencing much the same as the rest of the world. Because I have an auto-immune disease I've always kept myself prepared for isolation when I get ill but this degree has really made a difference. I love to craft so that has kept me busy but the degree of isolation that's being demanded does truly make me wonder about the motives behind lockdowns. I do believe that much of this is about control, placating people so they become used to relying on government and shaming people who speak out with different points of view. I am very independent and tend to research things and come to my own conclusions. I always try to act with others in mind - for example, I wear a face mask even though there have been many differing scientific opinions about their effectiveness. I feel that governments would be very happy to have people fall into a stupor/habit of relying on being told what to believe and what to do. Much of this is being done through fear tactics. Much of it is just plain silly - I saw an article about a company that was requiring employees to wear face masks while making Zoom calls for meetings. How does that even make sense? The explanation was that it would "normalize" the wearing of face masks. Interesting and just a little frightening.
    At any rate, I sipped my coffee while listening to your morning talk. Love your large coffee cup! Keep being yourself, speaking your mind and creating your art!
    BTW, I used to teach English and whenever my students would write "they said" I would always comment in the margin, "Who is this mysterious 'they'?" :)

    1. There are many unanswered questions about the virus. Different countries are tackling it in different ways, with different outcomes. All the individual can do is the best for themselves. There isn't an exact right way or an exact wrong way. I wish that people would think for themselves.

  13. As I look at my 47 year old daughter-in-law in a wheelchair with her hand looking like a claw following her bout of Covid 19 that ended in a stroke, I know that I need to protect myself and my community from others ending up in that situation. Her stepmother died, her father is in a rehab hospital after his bout with the virus and not expected ever to recover. Your lack of empathy and the lack of empathy of people who won't wear masks or follow precautions saddens me. I find it selfish. Doing the things that need to be done is uncomfortable, but I know I'm willing to undergo that discomfort if it saves even one life or saves someone from getting sick.

    1. I am sorry that you find yourself in a difficult situation.

  14. What I like about you, Ilona, is your honesty, pragmatism and common sense. I believe you to be a sincere and caring person. Selfish you most definitely are not. Bravo for speaking out and saying what so many of us are silently thinking.

    1. Thank you Denise. You can see beyond the written word and have made a good assessment of how I think. Selfish is what I am called by those who don't know me. I speak about what I think is right, I speak about what I have learnt from the University of Life. I use my knowledge and understanding of life to help others. Always have done, always will do.

  15. Yes I agree with you there is the feeling that people are being held back lied to manipulated. In my view the problems we as a country and people are faced with is political, neoliberalism Our government [as are other countries governments too] wants to shrink the state so public services including our NHS is being underfunded. Big corporations are the winners. Contracts are awarded to private companies usually without going out to tender. These companies don't deliver hence still waiting for PPE And you are right MSM newspapers is not to be trusted owned by billionaires they churn out propaganda they don't want a change to the status quo by supporting an alternative politics which would threaten their interests. I also agree that alternative news sources should be looked into to get to the truth of what's really hapening.we should use our common sense not believe everything we read. There are truthful honest writers journalists out there you just have to find them. Countries such as like Scandinavian are doing very well economically We could copy their politics.

    I enjoy reading your blog

    1. It's interesting what you say about contracts being awarded to private companies without going to tender. These companies don't deliver. I was watching a video about Serco, this is exactly what happens there. They have the biggest slice of the cake yet not much is known about them. They control all kinds of services provided to the government, yet they fail to deliver. Makes me think that corruption is rife in these relationships.

  16. Yes corruption is rife with Serco and other contracts given to dubious private companies that don't normally deal with providing PPE So Jo Maugham QC is looking into these various companies. The government are a bunch of criminals They don't care about anyone else but themselves and their mates

  17. you sound like David Icke who predicted this years ago. He doesn't always say the right things but most of it rings true. The fact that you are aware of how we are being manipulated shows how sensitive you are to events happening all over the world. It is people like us who will fight against the corrupt leaders and manipulators of our minds, Well said Ilona.

    1. I can't let it go. This is too big to ignore. The globalists are wrong, we are not all the same


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