Friday, 14 August 2020

Mission accomplished.

 I've been to town this afternoon, first time in ages. Aldi is close to town, but I didn't go there today. I can last a few more days with the food I bought on the 3rd, and what I already have in. Maybe Monday or Tuesday will be an Aldi day next week. 

I needed to take my library books back today, best not hang on to them any longer. Way overdue of course but I don't think they are bothered about that, probably glad to get them back. I stepped through the first door of the main library and was about to step through the second door, they open automatically, when a woman came towards me wearing a mask. She asked if I have an appointment. I said no, I just wanted to return books. She pointed to a large barrow thing on wheels and told me to put them in there. She said if I wanted to take any books out I have to ring them first, or send an email, and they will put together a selection, and I would make an appointment to collect them. I said no thanks. I asked if the mobile library would be starting up again, and asked about Stan, would he be coming again. She said eventually but no plans just yet. 

I walked up the High Street to see what the position was at the Post Office with regard to queueing. My utilities bill arrived yesterday and I needed to pay it. Luckily no one waiting outside the shop, one customer at the counter, I waited for her to move away. I handed over the bill and £100 in cash to cover it. Easy. I do hope that my utilities company has got the message now, and will send me the next bill on time, so I can pay it on time, at the Post Office. 

There was still a bit of time left on the one hour free parking so I went to Home Bargains to pick up three items I needed. A jar of coffee, bag of sugar, and a tin of Coffee Mate. While I was there I picked up a large box of Whiskas pouches for Oscar. I'm well stocked up on cat food now. Nobody asked me about a mask when I went in these three places, and my dangly thing around my neck was tucked inside my clothes. I didn't see many people wearing masks.

Someone suggested that for my next craft project I should make myself a tin hat. What a good idea I thought, so here it is. 

Must dash, Billy dog is waiting for a walk. . Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. The crown is definitely an Ilona touch, LOL!

    1. The crown is thanks to the family of my friend Joyce who passed away. They gave me a lot of her crafty and flower arranging bits and bobs. I knew there would be a use for it. My tin hat came from a house clearance. It could never be used in the kitchen, too mucky, but I can see something arty in it.

  2. I have to say that I am rather shocked at how lax the UK policies seem to be as regards Covid-19. Here I can't even leave my apt. without wearing a mask as they must be worn in all common areas now of residential buildings. They just added this last week - I wear one most of the day when I go to the office as I need it until I leave my building - the subway stn, is right across the street and I need it to use public transit and then I must wear it when in any common areas at my office or if someone else enters my private office. If I go shopping I must wear one the minute I enter a mall, never mind a store - and all other public venues. We've also been told that this is for at least 6 months and maybe as long as 2 years.
    I do like you knew "bonnet" though! :-)

    1. Your life now seems as far away from normal as you can get. I wonder if the suicide and depression rate is much higher than it is here.

    2. Of course certain people will have had difficulties - and most of us feel a bit sad to one extent or another but mostly people are just "getting on with things". You live in a small village - I live in a city of 3 million people - and we are VERY aware of the disaster happening just south of our border so this puts it all into perspective for us. Masks are a very small sacrifice to make in the greater scheme of things.

    3. Agree with you Margie, UK so lax on many things. Also deaths are 3 times Canada...wonder if there is any connection.

  3. Nice strained crown,my friend! Made me laugh when I saw it. I went out to Bauman Farms this afternoon and bought fruit and onions and walnuts, in shell that were 20% off. I enjoyed seeing their lovely plants but did not buy any, although I liked the brown eyed sunflower that is perrenial. Maybe next year. I need to go plants into ground that have been in pots for a few years. Now that the house and garage has been painted then I know specific places to put them. Have a good weekend!!! Cheerio!!!

    1. I sometimes move plants from pots into the ground, but now my ground is full, so I have stopped buying plants. Enjoy planning your garden.

  4. Your sense of humour and fortitude continues to be admirable, Ilona! Your tin hat made me laugh - thank you for a sparky start to the weekend. 🙂

    1. You've got to laugh, haven't you. There has to be some light hearted moments among all the scaremongering. The psychological damage being done throughout the world will have big repercussions.

  5. I read your piece about the library with interest. This is a typical example of the paranoia that rules supreme at the moment. I have noticed how there seems to have been a rise in bad manners and bad attitude amongst people working in such places. Customers are barked at and treated as brainless two year olds. But some people actually appear to enjoy being regimented about and told where to stand and what to do. I would rather be miles away from other people and out walking where there are no restrictions.

    1. As soon as I walked through the first door, and the second door had opened automatically, the masked woman quickly came out to ask if I had an appointment. It took me by surprise. They usually take returns into a scanning machine just inside the door. I thought, that's easy, no need to speak to anyone. Now it is place them into a big bucket on wheels in between the two doors.

    2. My library has being doing curb side pickup for the past month or so and the service has been excellent. They notify me online that my books are ready - I book a time - the security guard outside the door takes my card and lets the librarian know and my bag of books is placed on the table for me to pick up. We all thank each other and move on.
      They will open their doors on Monday with certain restrictions in place - I will probably just carry on as I've been doing.

    3. That's a very good service you have there, stick with it if it suits you. It would work well for someone who knows what type of books they like to read. I like to browse shelves and pick books up at random, maybe something catches my eye which look interesting.

    4. Believe me Ilona - I'd love to be able to wander the stacks and just see what catches my eye - lots more fun. But I'm lucky in that I can easily access two large libraries while a friend of mine relies on the bookmobile - which isn't back in service here either so I am trying to just be grateful for all that I have.

  6. Our mobile library is back working since end if July - libraries are still ring and book - daft idea.
    Hope your tin hat works -it looks a bit holey

    1. I need to put a chin strap on it. It keeps falling off ;o)

  7. I have just watched your video with my hubby and have to say we wholeheartedly agree with your opinions about the way things are at present. Only this morning we went shopping and both of us were wearing masks. But the queue in the shop was very long and it was not so we moved our masks down slightly to be able to breathe through our noses. Within a few seconds people were staring at us as if we had committed a crime. The whole thing is based on fear, human against human. Only a few months ago we were all told not to wear a mask as it was not only ineffective but would increase the chance of getting ill. Why are so many people like sheep now but above all, why are they not asking 'why'? It seems to be as if the majority have now been brainwashed and are quite willing to pick on anyone who asks questions or dares to be normal and free spirited.

    1. I know its awful and confusing. I have to pull my mask away from my nose and mouth when i am done in the shops and walking home as i can't breath well and it fogs up my glasses and i refuse to buy or wear one of those awful space like face sheilds.

    2. Hello Linda. If you can't breath pull your mask down, and stare back at them. This is not about the virus, it's about how long can they keep it going. It's a psychological operation to keep people fearful so that they end up fighting with each other.

    3. I don’t understand your comment.

    4. No, I don't understand it either. It's double dutch.

  8. Oh i love your fancy tin hat xxx

  9. I do understand about the virus.I aqm 65 and husband is nearly 72,so we have got to stay safe,for each other and our families. Have not been to a supermarket since about March...before lockdown.I am lucky that I get a food delivery from a food bank that my daughter works for free..she is working from about 9 30 am until 10pm some I think that is why I get one.And I am so greatful for it!.I try to make the best of what we have.Love your tin hat!

  10. The tiara topping the tin hat is just the perfect touch :)

  11. I have several styles of masks, some were given to me, some were home made of cotton with a pocket to insert a filter, and some surgical style masks that I bought from a chemist. I found the surgical ones (three layers, disposable) were the easiest to breathe through and also found if I put the mask on first, then pinched the metal clip to fit over the nose closely, THEN put on my glasses so the bottom of the frame sits over the mask edge I didn't get any fogging up of the lenses.

  12. I must say I get totally confused currently coming back to Wales after being on England for a few weeks. Here only a few people wear masks in the shops and virtually no-one outside of them. In Lancashire, England where I shop when I'm at my Van, everyone wears masks and no-one is allowed in any shops or public buildings without one on properly. I have to admit to lifting it away from my face when shopping in Aldi the other day, there was no-one around and it was stiflingly hot. I took a few deep breaths maskless and then went and stood near the fridges for a while.

  13. I printed of an exemption and used it
    Nobody questioned me so that was good, we all being turned into paranoid androids about germs and people. Its all part of the control strategy of the governments.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.