Sunday, 16 August 2020

My sister Anna

Did you know that my sister is an author, she writes books, She has two out on Amazon at the moment.

My sister also draws pet portraits. 

She is my younger sister, I have only one. She can do what I can't do. I can't draw and I have no patience to write books. We are from the same stock. Our father was an artist and so was our Uncle. 

The books are historical novels, I haven't read them because I don't read fiction, and I wouldn't be able to sit for long enough to read a whole book. I am too fidgety, I would get up and walk around, I would go and do something else, then forget what the story was about when I went back to it, and have to re read some of it to remind myself before I carried on. It would take me an age to read a whole book. 

I think we have a rainy Sunday ahead, not looking too good outside. Time for breakfast. Enjoy your Sunday whatever you are doing. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I remember you once saying that you had a sister but I didnt know she was an author.You are a talented family!I can remember that your Uncle Stan was an artist but didnt know that your Dad was as well.It is lovely to hear about your Family!.I love the picture on your sisters book Dont go Back.Is there many years between you and your sister and were you close as kids?.Me and my sister are very close now but as kids she was just a pain in the back side to me as she is 4 years younger,lol.Your sisters animal drawings are brilliant!.Well its dull and damp here in Leicester but Im still going to sit out side for a while just to breath in some fresh air!xx

  2. It seems you have both inherited the arty gene, just in slightly different ways. I'm surprised you haven't read her books, just so that you could give her a review on Amazon, it really does help sales if there are reviews.

  3. Your sister's dog portrait is amazing! I sure wish I was artistic but I can hardly draw a stick figure:)

  4. I gave up reading fiction, more or less, several years ago. Too many disappointments. I prefer biographies and books where I might learn something and I like to choose a certain period of history to follow and a thread of people. I could never write a book and am very envious of those who can. You do lots of craft things that look very arty to me so you have art in your blood too.

    1. Same here. Biographies and autobiographies, or real life how to do something or how something works. As I am getting older I could not concentrate on writing a book. Writing here is as much as I want to do.

  5. I think you mean fiction, rather than non fiction. I can't read something that is made up.

  6. Rainy day here too, halfway around the world.

  7. A sewing teacher once held up something of mine and declared I was an artist. I could sew things that qualified as art or artsy. My family is more artistic with drawings than I am. Her declaration made me see my talent in an artsy way. YOU ARE AN ARTIST, TOO!

  8. Dear Iona, you are both creative just in different ways, and your arty side is just as valid and enjoyable. It is rainy here, too. Thanks for the mention of Anna's books. I will look for them.

  9. I love to read but sad to say that historical novels are totally not my bag. I'm sure your sister's work is appreciated by many who love that genre of book though. How wonderful! ~Andrea xoxo

  10. Good morning from a very wet Dublin this Monday. Wow your sister is quite talented. I do like to read but am not always in the mood and it can take me weeks to finish a book. I might check them out the stories do look interesting.

  11. I've downloaded the two books onto my Kindle. They look good!😀😀

  12. I think you sell yourself short as I see you as a very "Arty" person. Each of us has a talent different from others in our family. What you do is wonderful!!

  13. being a fan of short stories i found 'Lust for Survival' also written by your sister..... have downloaded the kindle edition (only 99p) and am really enjoying the very short but very cleverly written stories. 😊👍 onlyjjo


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