Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Thank you.

Hello, and a BIG BIG whopping THANK YOU to everybody for your kind comments. You really are the bestest blog readers and followers that anyone could wish for. 
I am feeling a bit lost at the moment, trying to get used to the empty rooms upstairs where Heidi hung out. I always had to look for her because her favourite place changed that often. Window sills, inside the cupboard, in the bath or wash basin, any dark little hidey hole in the corner of a room. My duties started first thing in the morning and finished last thing at night. I went up and down the stairs fetching and carrying many times during the day. Two litter boxes to check and clean, food and water bowls to wash and replenish, now I have nothing to do. I wish she was still here. 
Mayze has been missing her, I have been giving her extra cuddles. Oscar comes and goes as usual, spending most of his time outside. Life goes on, now back to two cats. 
Today I made a pan of soup with veg that was given to me. Cabbage, courgette, celery, spring onions, potatoes, and a few peas that I nicked from the field. I whizzed it up with the stick blender so that has fed me for lunch and dinner today. It was lovely. 
Now my fridge is bare, I must go to Aldi to re stock. It's ten past seven and it's raining, so I reckon tonight will be a good time. Thanks for popping in.  ilona


  1. Your comment...I wish she was still here..broke my heart for you.It is so hard isnt it.You will always remember her because she will live on in your heart and its lovely that Mayze is getting extra cuddles!.As you already know,you never forget your beloved pets because they are part of the Family....Well your food today looks lovely,although I dont soppose you feel much like eating..but you have to keep on..keeping on...I hope you can get all you need from Aldi and give your cats and extra cuddle from all us readers who are thinking of you.I told my Mam today about Heidi and she said to send her love to you too,xxxx

    1. Thank you Debi. Give my love to your Mam. I love the way you call her Mam, and not Mum.

  2. We just have to keep going Ilona! Your soup looks delicious and I hope you pick up some bargs in Aldi - it's foul weather here too.

    1. Aldi was easy, a couple of shoppers in there, £39 spent, in and out in half an hour. Sunny this morning.

  3. Replies
    1. Hello Anna. Nice to hear from you. I have translated your blog to English, very interesting.

  4. Your soup looks comforting. I hope it was on your rainy evening.

  5. It is so hard to let pets go. I think cats do miss each other.

  6. Virtual hugs to you Ilona. Heidi couldn't have come to a better home when she did. She was loved.

  7. Oh, that heart-wrenching feeling of an empty room where a cat used to be. I am so sorry for your loss.

    1. Yes, it's the hole left behind which is awful. I need to fill it by keeping busy.

  8. The pictures of Heidi yesterday looked so sweet. A black and white kitty is so beautiful. She looked like she was a good momma cat too. Best Wishes.

    1. I did my best, she had everything that she needed.

  9. Hope you are having a nice day IIona and there is something interesting to do.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Thank you Hazel, I surely am. Made a video which is uploading on yooooyoooob now, it will be on the blog later.

  10. Pets wrap themselves around our hearts, don't they? Take comfort from the fact that you gave her the best life and did the kindest thing for her at the end. xxx

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Heidi. Sweet little cat. I help out in a rescue shelter and the feelings of care and concern for them is much the same as those I have for my two at home, and in fact any cat (or other animal) I know or read about... Heidi was famous in her own right, along with your other furry friends. xx

  12. I had 12 glorious years with my dog Ceasar, when he passed away I had to reinvent my routine as it was tailored to him, what time we got up, had a nap, walks etc I still miss him every day. When we drop food now on the kitchen floor we used to grab it quick or Ceasar would gobble it up, it's weird to have it still there lol xxx


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