Saturday 9 January 2021

Hello hello, what's going on here!

After the strong arm of the law tactics of our police force ever since the whole caboodle started, can we please get back to common sense and reasoning. Barging into people's homes, waiting for them to appear at a park, and fining them for driving a few miles to get there, is a cowardly way of policing. In the meantime real crimes are ignored. 

Love these two. That's all. Have a nice Saturday. breakfast time. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. First walk of year.. down to harbour and managed to avoid black ice.. lovely. Happy saturday to you!

    1. Good for you. keep it up. I like the sound of a harbour.

  2. It’s fear mongering and it works a bit on me tbh. The idea of being surrounded by police officers on a walk with my son is a bit frightening and I don’t have £200 for a fine either. I’m hoping these are just extreme odd stories that are making it to the press for that reason. I need to get some fresh air as I’m getting sinus problems from the heating indoors and I’m soooo frustrated. There’s only so many months of reading and crochet and sewing etc I can do before it gets frustrating to me. I need to talk to people, get re-inspired to keep going. I’m going to try today to get outs after the non existent snow forecast for yesterday and hopefully I’ll feel better later. Keep up the good work as it’s great to hear voices from ‘out there in the world’ and see they are still having similar thoughts to me xx

    1. Hi Sb, We were moved on from sitting on a bench on the seafront and threatened with a fine if we didn't move. I can assure you it's not fear mongering. we are 81 and 75 years old and my husband can
      not walk long distances without a break, he has to use a walker. No sympathy at all from the two police officers.

    2. Sorry I am not originally English but I still think it is fear mongering. It means a form of manipulation which causes fear by using exaggerated rumours of impending danger. What I meant was that the police are creating fear of them in the people based on an exaggerated fear of a virus that isnt caused by eg.sitting on a bench and the fresh air and exercise probably doing good in fact. I think the police are doing some things which are too extreme to frighten the people and make the police's lives easier as there arent enough of them to police this situation as the government would ideally like. These stories then get into the media and give a fear of the police and rule breakers even more, when the fear was originally supposed to be a fear of contracting a virus which could kill you. I hope that makes more sense now :-)

    3. The police on the street are acting under instructions from their superiors. They sometimes bend the rules to gain Brownie points. Some of them are on a power trip.

  3. Meanwhile celebs are off on their holidays for a well earned break.

    I fully understand the ask, I have noticed the increase in positive cases at work. Relatives who work on the front line tell me how bad it is and its getting worse.

    However if the police and the authorities want to keep people on board, they have to be seen to be doing the right thing and being fair to all.
    The two ladies, didnt carshare, they brought drinks to walk, they met in the open air. It's making the headlines as people can see they have been (on the face of it) treated far too heavily handed.

    On a positive if the police were waiting and watching for visitors to the local beauty spot and this is the only misdemeanor they were able to find, does it not say that people are doing what they should?

    1. So you think that if there wasn't anyone in the park, they would have been at home? I don't think so.

    2. I mean the police were obviously looking out for people at the reservoir. The police surrounded these two ladies. So there was a lack of "serious offenders"

      Theres no huge crowds who have travelled many miles for the police to intercept so these two ladies got the focus of their attention. I feel the police were heavy handed, to me the reservoir is local.

      I dont have any sympathy with people such as one in my local
      paper who drove 130 miles to see the seals at Horsey gap.

      I'm not sure the others would be at home, if they are out then maybe they are staying local and not travelling for miles in a car to go for a walk.

      I'm now reading that the police are to review their understanding of the guidance and the fines given to these two ladies.

    3. I think the police have backed down on this.

  4. The men who hijacked an oil tanker will face no charges.

    Two women going for a walk fined £200.

    Something badly wrong here.

    1. Yes, but you have to dig deep before you find the real reason this is happening.

  5. Good morning from America. This weekend we'll take a break from the news so I can find some peace and happiness. It's so crazy here that I must keep up with the protests I am where it's dangerous to go. I think this world has turned upside down. Thank goodness for gravity :-) Peace to all. The sun is shining but the temperature feels like 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold so I'm staying indoors today and sewing.

  6. Took a leaf out of your book and danced my way around the dusting this morning, boy did I feel better after that. It's energising.

  7. I agree - although it is important for everyone to know that the Police know it too as the fines in Derbyshire have been cancelled (let's hope they keep remembering...) In that case the women in my view had not done anything wrong, they were staying local but but they had crossed county lines so it might have looked as though they had. I also suspect there was some prejudice towards women who didn't look like your typical rambler (although they had suitable footwear)
    I wasn't in the mood for hassle so we walked from home yesterday. It proved to be too busy (given width of path) Whilst there's an environmental issue around car use, we should perhaps be leaving the local to those who would otherwise have to use public transport. I am unimpressed with 'what if you have an accident/breakdown' you'll put rescuers at risk and overload the NHS if you are sensible about forecast because you don't get the same tutting about drinking alcohol, doing DIY, standing on a chair to get your Christmas decorations down, wearing slippers... or indeed not exercising.

    1. I did wonder if the photograph of the two women was set up. The way they are dressed looks like they have come together for a photographic shoot for a clothes retailer, a catalogue maybe. But they have sturdy boots on, which look like riding boots, and the park is in a rural area. Who knows.


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