Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Brilliant walk yesterday

Hello. Second post of the day, churning them out now, keeps me busy. Yesterday was a glorious weather day for a walk. I set off at 2.45pm, taking my usual path out of the village. On reaching the bench I had to take off my jacket and stuff it in my little rucksack, I was sweating hot. Also had to roll my long socks down to my ankles, my legs felt uncomfortable. Takes me ages to get the right clothing combination for a comfortable walk. I am always taking a layer off or putting another layer on. One day I will learn to dress myself properly.  
I walked this route last month, in the opposite direction. It takes me through a farmyard. When I passed this way before they were erecting these cabins. I wondered what they were for, holiday lets maybe, or a new farm shop. 
I stopped to chat to a man who was repairing a piece of farm machinery. I had a great conversation with him, he was jolly. I was nosey and asked him about the cabins. He said it is an education centre for special needs children and young teenagers, and their parents. It all sounded very interesting. Those with learning difficulties are referred here for extra activities. They come on a daily basis and are brought in by a minibus. The front will be landscaped to include a sensory garden. 
The facility is called Changing Lives through Changing Minds. They have a web site here. 
I walked over to the cabins to get a photograph, two people arrived to do some work. Now here's the best bit. You see the man in the photo, that is Trevor. He is the one who put the bench in the field. How good is that. I first wrote about the bench in 2009, I often sit on it for a few minutes when passing. Trevor and his wife used to take walks to that spot from the village where they lived. After she passed away Trevor put the bench there. He tends to it putting flowers in the vases, leaving water for any passing dogs, and cuts the grass around it. It's about half a mile from the village, I have wondered for ages how the water appears and who looks after it. Now I know. Trevor admits he drives there. I was so pleased to finally find out the story behind the bench. 
Time was getting on and I had to put my jacket back on as it was getting chilly. Still a long way to go. I passed my friends house in the next village, the one I called in to see before but she wasn't there. This time she was. I didn't really have time to stop, we had a quick conversation through her open kitchen window. She offered to give me a lift home. I said, no we can't do that, besides I want to clock up the miles. 
So on I trekked. I passed a viewpoint, people were sitting watching the sun go down in the distance. Another quick chat, I can't resist it, ha ha. 
Keep going. I wanted to take photo's of the sunset but trees were blocking my view. In the daff photo it looks like it is still light, but it wasn't. I didn't think I would get a photo here. 
Keep going, still can't see the sunset. 
I came out of the trees into a clearing, and there it was. Stunning. 
Keep going. Looking up the river. 
Now it's getting dark. 
One more look across, is it still there. The lights over Yorkshire are going on. 
Now it's pitch black and I can't see the ground. I would normally stay on the track until I was almost home, but this time I thought it would be wise to take a little side track and get onto the road. 
I arrived home at 7.45pm. Eight miles walked. Something warmed up in the microwave for a late dinner, I was flippin hungry. Brilliant walk though. Thank you to those worrying about me in the dark. I will try and remember to take a torch next time. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That is lovely to find out about the story behind the bench.What a nice guy to keep it looking nice and putting water out for the animals.I do love nice people!And well done on your 8 mile walk!xx

    1. Chatting to nice people makes the walk more enjoyable.

  2. Lovely photos, Ilona. Breathtaking. How wonderful to have solved the mystery of the bench and to meet the man who tends it. I can tell that even tho' you were out later than planned in the dark, it was exhilarating for you. I can almost feel how alive you must have felt. Thank you for sharing this uplifting post!

    1. It was like an adventure. Dark and eerie, listening for every sound. I'm sure I heard an animal snuffling about in the undergrowth. There are deer along that path.

    2. I love walking in the woods at night, especially when the sky is clear and full of stars. It's so quiet and peaceful. When I had a dog, I used to walk for miles at all hours of the day and night. I always find a headtorch is a good option as a torch.

  3. Oh, my, what news you found out on this walk!! Congratulations on finally meeting the bench maker and maintainer! The cabins are a wonderful idea for those with special needs, and their families. Plus gardens to experience! That sunset photo is stunning, as you say. Thank you!

    1. Yes, it was nice. I will watch the project with interest and see how it pans out.

  4. I think because we have been staying at home, Spring is having a good effect this year, even better than usual.We are noticing all the trees in bud and slowly opening. Sunlight waking us in the morning! Please remember your torch, Ilona, you may see interesting creatures along your path home,that you would miss without it. We have seen hedgehogs, and often see owls, though you have to be quick. They come out when us nasty humans are at home out of their way.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.