Monday, 22 March 2021

Walking by moonlight

 Good evening. It's late and I am too tired to write a post tonight. I went for a walk at 2.45pm, and didn't get back until 7.45pm. I hadn't intended to stay out that late, it's just how it happened. I got chatting and thought I had plenty of time to get back before dark. I didn't, darkness caught up with me. I had to come off the track and do the last bit by road because it was pitch black surrounded by trees. I couldn't see where to put my feet, and it was a bit spooky. I know the route but I didn't want to risk tripping up on the bumpy ground. 

It was eight miles, a route I had done before but in the opposite direction. I'll be back tomorrow with the write up and piccys. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Ilona - you really should get in the habit of carrying a flashlight or a torch, I believe is what they're called, just in case you get caught out a bit late like that. You've done this before where you got caught in the dark and were lucky enough to get home safe but this is the second time in a couple of months and I don't think you should push your luck. No one would know where you are and if you fell or broke a bone, you could be there a very long time. It would be wise if you were to draw a map of your walk and leave with a friend, just to be safe. Ranee (MN) USA

  2. Hi Ilona I know you love your walks I think the lady's comment about getting a torch to carry is really sensible and would be safer for you to see.youll never believe what happened to me I was walking through a very dark site where I clean offices at night I tried on a stone and fell twisted my ankle could get up at all.was there three hours sat on ground till a lorry driver started his shift he nearly didn't see me and nearly ran me over he got me upright and drove me home.i always carry a torch and small phone now!! Lolx

  3. We were discussing this only yesterday, as the road light outside our house has gone out - my Dad always carried a little pen torch at night, I guess during the war with blackout and no street lights it was necessary, and he got into the habit. Seems like a good idea at present too.

  4. Right,I am going to turn into your mother again...Do not stay out after dark!.It is so easy these days to see someone and have a a distance...and not notice the time slipping by.I hate the thought of you being alone and out in the dark!Where I live there are happened to my grandaughters 3 pm in the afternoon.Please keep your self as safe as


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