Saturday, 22 May 2021

Plumb crazy.

 My plumber came yesterday. Michael lives in the village, I have known him for nigh on 30 years, he was a lorry driver we worked at the same place. He retrained to get his plumbing and gas certificates, now he is very much sort after, he has lots of customers. Sometimes he is difficult to pin down, due to his work load, which is a good thing. A plumber with not very much to do can't be very good at his job. Michael serviced my central heating system and freed up a stuck outside water tap. He did a good job. 

I asked him about the Governments plans to stop fitting gas boilers into new homes, and to wean all houses off the gas and onto hydrogen for their heating. It seems to me that the deadlines that the Government have set out are unachievable. He said it is not going to happen overnight. All current modern gas boilers are already set up to use hydrogen. At first it will be a mix of both natural gas and hydrogen going through the system. Plumbers will not have to be retrained, and by the time it all comes together he will be retired. He has 17 years left to do. 

A big stumbling block will be the storage of hydrogen. It has to be stored close to where it is needed, which means lots of new plants all over the place. I think the Government are fear mongering again. Pushing forward the agenda to cut carbon emissions. 

This article gives some more information. I don't think we need to panic. Our gas boilers will not be switched off, we won't have to shell out for more equipment. I for one hate cooking with electricity, I want to keep my gas cooking and heating. 

More pics from Yorkshire to come. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Me too Ilona, I have always used gas. I'll be gone by the time this all comes in so won't lose sleep over it. lol

  2. From what I have been reading for a few years now, but more recently of course, is that they plan to do away with gas (as well as log burners) and we will all have to rely on electricity. They plan for this to be fully in place by 2030. Smart meters will allow them to turn off power to homes when use is too high, in order to direct it where they deem it necessary (hospitals, etc). Also, smart meters will allow the energy companies to increase the price during peak times, such as weekends, evenings, etc. The price of heating the home will go through the roof. I think that the youngsters that have been marching and demanding that the Govt do something about climate change are in for a shock.

    1. I don't think people are going to be happy with the changes that are planned. They will have to change their lives according to what is available. Dinner cooked on a camp fire in the garden.

  3. That's interesting...switching to hydrogen. I was under the impression that hydrogen was highly volatile and was hard to control. Wasn't the Hindenburg filled with hydrogen? Plus when it burns it produces water. I would think your climate is wet enough.

  4. I used hydrogen for Bunsen burners in the lab for school & work. Glad that my home is electric, except for the water heater. I have a fireplace, so can switch to wood or a small solar oven on the deck in summer. I live in western Oregon, with 40 inches of rain/ye to keep the forests green!!

  5. Many years ago we changed from coal gas to natural gas. This is a similar change. Hydrogen is just another form of gas
    Electricity used to be from coal and now its via solar and even nuclear as well.
    Hydrogen boilers will work just like gas boilers do now.
    As a consumer we wont see much difference. It's the techy people that fit and fix these things that will need to be unskilled.

    1. That should read upskilled not unskilled.

  6. Same comment as Judy! Hindenburg comes to mind….do they have some propaganda that says it isn’t really explosive anymore?

    1. Can't answer that. I am just passing on what I read.


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