Thursday, 15 July 2021

A dilemma

The walk yesterday started at Blyth, not far from the A1M, in Nottinghamshire. I found easy parking on the wide main street, opposite the Village Green. As I normally do, if there is a church, that is where I look first. I like to walk around the whole perimeter of the churchyard to find the best angle for photographs. This church has only three sides, there is a wall on the other side separating it from private land. 
With some shots being discarded I finished up with these three acceptable pictures. The saying is, less is more, but I don't like to throw out anything which might be useful. 
The dilemma is, which are worthy of blog use, or should I prune further. Oh sod it, I'll put all three on. I personally like the first one best. I look for some low hanging tree branches to frame the main focus of the picture. It's a pity there isn't a bit more blue in the sky. I suppose I could have waited until some of the clouds have drifted away.  
It's a shame that the clock has been removed from the tower. 

Part of the church has been sacrificed to get the tree branches in shot, and to get a better view of the entrance. The bench adds a bit of detail. 

The same dilemma with this house next to the church. It has been divided into four cottages. The main focus are the flowers in the garden, which look splendid from this angle. 
From the other side the picket fence is a nice touch, but the wheelie bins spoil it. I have chopped off the attached house on the right as it does not match the other three. The flag is playing ball, I must have caught the breeze at the right time. 

On this web site it shows an old picture of these two buildings together. The cottages used to be the Rectory. 

It's going to be hot the next few days, maybe not good for walking longer distances, so I'll potter around the house, topping up my miles around the village. More pictures of the Blyth walk tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. These are nice photos of the church, the third photo may be my favorite. How interesting that the rectory is now 4 small homes.

    1. I thought it was a good use of a large building, instead of being sold to one family.

  2. LOVELY photo's Ms ilona πŸ’žπŸ‘πŸŒŸ

    HAppy day's x
    Levi xxx

  3. I think that all the photos are lovely.I wouldnt have thought about the tree branch frame,but now you have mentioned it,it really does make a difference! Its nice to be able to get out of your local area and try a walk around some where new.Which is what I will be doing this weekend.A Mystery weekend with my Daughter! The coach picks us up in town at 7.30 am.Havent got a clue where we will end up,but Im really looking forward to it.Hope you have a great weekend.xx

    1. A mystery trip sounds good. As a coach driver many years ago, I got lost while taking a load of pensioners out on a jolly. It was hilarious. They were happy when we landed at the pub.

  4. Looks lovely - I used to drive through Blyth when my sister lived in Worksop. It’s very pretty

    Glad to see you are keeping well

    Heather x

    1. Nice to hear from you Heather. I am well, I hope you are too. Any chance you will be coming back for a visit?

  5. I really like your photos. I actually like clouds in some photos, especially when they are dramatic or with the sun streaking through.

    1. I think it's amazing how a sky can alter the look of a photograph. So many combinations of colour and mood to consider with clouds and sun.


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