Wednesday, 14 July 2021

312 pages

 This is the first time ever that I have bought a book off the internet. I gave up buying any books a long time ago, and gave most of my books away. Occasionally I might keep one for reference, but most are discarded after being read once. Then I switched to borrowing them from the library. Now I don't have time to read books, too busy doing other things. But this one I will read cover to cover, and keep it. It comes under the category of Psychology/Politics. 

I wanted to buy it from a shop, but we haven't a branch in our town. I rang WH Smith, no they don't stock it. It's a new book recently published, they should get it in stock because it is going to go high in the best sellers list. I could have gone to Hull or Lincoln for it, a 30 mile drive each way, plus £3 for a bridge crossing if I was to go to Hull, plus the time it takes to park and walk to the shop. 
I gave in and bought it from Waterstones. A reputable book store I believe. It was an easy procedure to navigate, I will never buy anything from the Amazon site. 

I've edited the Research page but I'm having difficulty putting it back on the blog. They seem to have changed the format. Here is the link. You might be able to access it from here. 
Looking like a nice day, so I'm off for a walk. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Have you seen A Stand In The Park Where like minded people meet 10 - 11 every Sunday morning to talk about ideas and the latest events?
    The are all over the UK and the rest of the world.

    1. I have heard about that. Tim, a yoootooober talks about it. I must look it up.

    2. Hello Lynn. I have found our local group, a nice bunch of people. I shall go again. Thanks.

  2. Hey Ilona hope you are out and about enjoying the sunshine.really pleased that you found what you wanted at waterstones.ive always found them very helpful on the book frontx

    1. I've had a lovely walk today. Pics tomorrow.

  3. I've bought from Waterstones before and have been very happy with their service

    1. Yes, it was good service. They kept me informed, the book was tracked.

  4. Hi, Hope you are keeping well, enjoy reading your new book. looking forward to watching a new video. Sandra. x

  5. ooooh Ilona please tell us the title and author of the book ?

    1. I am a little tease. aren't I. A clue. Author female, she has done a couple of interviews. Will tell when I've read it.

    2. yes definitely a tease. But having read on through more comments i've got the answer to my question. The book has excellent reviews on A**z*n, am going to take a look/listen to some Laura Dodswoth videos. I enjoy all aspects of your blog Ilona, and also dip into your Research page, thank you for sharing the information that you find. Looking forward to your review of the book x Keep up the good work and know you are appreciated.

    3. Sometimes I need to step away from it, it becomes overwhelming and I feel drained. I have to take a diversion, walking, gardening, and sewing, but something calls me back to it.

      Laura speaks to Peter Whittle on New Culture Forum, an excellent interviewer who you may be familiar with. Thank you for your comment.

  6. Is it Laura Dodsworth? A state of fear.

    1. Yes, it is. I think this book is going to confirm everything my gut instincts tell me. Fear is the virus. Misinformation is not coming from conspiracy theorists, it's coming from the Government, not only in this country but from all around the world. Every day it is relentless. The Government have trashed people's mental health. The only way out of it is to say, no more.

    2. Agree. Fear fear fear - a tsunami ... we feel it all around us. We have never fallen for it.

  7. Update. Just when you think things are running smoothly, blogger changes their format. The Research page is back. A reminder that I do not accept comments on that page, or any mention to it here on the main blog posts. It is for reference only.

  8. Just so you know, Alan Jones although he likes to talk about the pandemic and say what a load of crap it is, he has had his first dose of the vaccine already and will have the second. He is a shock jock and loves to wind people up.

    1. Just so you know, you are trying to wind me up, and it's not working. Pathetic comment.

    2. I'm not trying to wind you up at all!! I'm in Australia and we are currently in the middle of a lockdown (6 weeks and counting) I also work for cardiothoracic surgeons so I do see how damaging all this is. I am simply letting you know that he has had the jab for all that he speaks against it. You say to research, but I am just letting you know what is happening here. You can say pathetic comment, you are allowed to say whatever you like! I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it. My brother is an anti vaxxer so I am well aware of differing opinions.

    3. I still can't fathom out why you felt the need to tell me about Alan Jones. I don't care who has been jabbed and who hasn't. It's down to personal choice. He can do what he likes. He talks a lot of sense, some may find it shocking but I agree with a lot of what he has to say.

      You don't need to defend my right to speak out, I can do that for myself. I can also chose what to publish on my blog.

      The term antivaxxer is not a description I would give to everybody who for whatever reason does not want to, or can't have the poison dart. Some people can see beyond the bullying and and have worked out that lockdowns and stabbing people with an experimental drug is a method of control, and is not in their best interests.

      Australian citizens are having a pretty rotten time right now. Their draconian measures to prevent everyone from having a normal life must be taking it's toll. People need to look into the future and wake up, this is not about a virus, it's about the Globalists taking control.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.