Saturday, 17 July 2021

Easy peasy

 Free common sense advice. Delete the app. Delete the stress. 

Time for breakfast, what shall I have. Porridge and fruit? Bran Flakes and a banana? No. I fancy mushrooms and egg on toast. Perfect. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Wishing you a super duper weekend enjoying the sun.yes I quite agree anything that is remotely annoying we should delete block avoid as life is short.once they are deleted they can be forgotten it's the best wayx

    1. Hi Jo. It's easy to simplify things. Get the information, weed out the lies, then don't join in.

  2. I think the app is just another opportunity for lazy people to get out of doing a hard day's work. I've never had the app on my phone. I see it as an invasion of my privacy. I binned my mask back in January. I don't use sticky sanitiser either at home or in shops. I use common sense and soap and water. I ignore the news as much as possible. Have a good weekend Ilona x

    1. Linda, I know someone who sanitises their hands after they have washed them, at home, every time. This is how they have frightened people witless. It was said quite early on that soap and water does the job just as well.

  3. I dont have the app anymore, however I dont think it's an opportunity for lazy people not to work.

    I think it needs changing, we had two positive cases at work this week and all necessary precautions were taken. We were able to have everyone tested. However two days later and the app started pinging and telling people they had to isolate. It made no sense, and people were genuinely upset that they had to leave work and isolate.

    The crazy thing about it being that some people, we worked out, were in close proximity to the positive cases but there was two walls between them!!

  4. I have to work with a person who comes into the office every morning and immediately starts using wipes on the kettle, fridge door, office door etc. Unbelievable!! and very annoying and in a way, sad

    1. Yes, sad. It might be an OCD they are stuck with for life.

    2. I’m going to what is known as a ‘posh’ hotel in the Ribble Valley today for two nights. I will be wiping the door handles and surfaces in our room. It will make me feel more relaxed.I don’t have OCD just rather not risk anything for the sake of spending three minutes of my time.

  5. The app is faulty and should be withdrawn. But the government wants to keep fear levels as high as possible. The simple answer is do not have it on your phone? Why is that so difficult for people to understand?? Is there an app for flu? Is there an app for TB? Or norovirus?? Just delete. Simples as they say these days

    1. There are far too many apps, people are losing the ability to think for themselves.

  6. mushrooms and egg on toast reminds me of many a breakfast made by my Mother ... especially the ones when we were camping in a farmer's field and she had gone hunting for the mushrooms!!

    1. When I was a kid at home, we either had cornflakes or toast for breakfast.

      I see wild mushrooms but I would be too nervous about eating them.

    2. My Mother's cooked breakfasts were usually on the weekend or on vacation. She worked from the time I was 18 months and could go to nursery school till I left home to go to college.

  7. Do you think now that the health secretary has tested positive, which will lead to a number of the mps having to isolate, things might change?
    Or will they all be in the same trial as Michael Gove when he was pinged but didnt need to isolate.

    In theory the app could be a good thing but not in its current form.

    1. No. They have got themselves so far into the tangled web of deceit and lies that they are afraid to backtrack and take a different route. Their brainwashing skills are embedded in their psyche. They have programmed themselves to believe that only they have the answers, and refuse to consider any other solutions.

      A positive test means nothing. It was never meant for mass testing and has thrown up so many false positives that the numbers are meaningless. They need to keep on testing because it gives them ammunition for more lockdowns.

    2. There you are, just announced. Boris and Rishi won't be isolating because they have invented a Daily Testing Pilot. Probably not available to ordinary folks. It means nothing but will get them out of a hole.

    3. Update in the last hour. Boris and Rishi have done a u turn and will now isolate. What a fiasco. Too late, you have shown your true colours.

  8. oh didnt have a clue what app you meant,theres so many haha,iv never had that app on my ph i know it wouldnt be helpful to my state of mind even thou that kind of thinking isint encouraged.Love the pics from ur recent outings. Louise

    1. I don't know anything about apps, but I read that people with the NHS app are getting pinged and it's creating chaos. A school near here has closed, and kids are missing out on an education.

  9. My daughter tested positively for Covid - my husband and I immediately deleted the app as we have both been double vaccinated and have no intention of isolating for 10 days. I picked up some lateral flow tests from the chemist and will keep tabs that way. She had it very mildly as has had one vaccination. The whole setup is a fiasco.

  10. Friend's son and daughter went to a pub on cup final day with 3 friends. Daughter is now pcr positive for covid and so are their 3 friends. Also parents of the 3 friends all positive. And friend's wife now positive too. The son not showing symptoms yet.
    That's 6 parents of the 3 friends,
    All caught Covid and his wife and daughter. Total 11 people from one pub trip.
    On the plus side none are seriously ill main symptoms temperature and sore throat.
    I'm staying home for a while until cases drop. Don't have the app and don't want it.

    1. Thank you for that Sally. The virus will be here for a long time. The more people catch it the more diluted it becomes, and fewer people will die from it. That is how it has always worked. Those with other underlying health issues need to be extra careful.

      I will continue to avoid busy places, and won't go inside a pub.

    2. That is indeed how viruses work, however because it was such a serious virus which had a higher mortality rate a vaccination was developed.
      Viruses do mutate. But because the majority of the population have been vaccinated, the ones most at risk are the unvaccinated unfortunately. It couldnt be given the time to dilute.

      I respect completely your choice not to have the vaccine. I think you are fortunate that you live alone, are retired and are able to avoid built up areas. Others who live in cities, use public transport to get to work, and live in shared housing arent as fortunate.

    3. And I respect people's decision to get jabbed. I call it jabbed because they stick something in your arm. They forgot to mention that it is an experiment. They forgot to mention that there are other drugs which can be used to combat the virus. Drugs like Ivermectin which has been around for a long time, and has had good results. Instead they made people wait around for a jab, because the stipulation from Big Pharma was that other drugs must not be used. Keep your eye on how many people are dying and are seriously ill after getting jabbed.

  11. Thank you to the two readers who sent me links. I have updated the page.

  12. It has been reported some food shops have had to close because staff have had to self-isolate after being 'pinged'. This didn't happen even at the height of the epidemic.


    1. I am not surprised. I have seen pictures of empty shelves, not because of panic buying this time, but because they don't have the staff in the warehouses to load the lorries, and don't have the drivers to deliver it. The track and trace thingy is the new virus. They will keep it going and people will go along with it.

  13. Track and Trace is the new virus - I hadn't thought of it like that. It is a good way of controlling people.



Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.