Thursday 19 August 2021

Go George

George Carlin was a prophet, he could see into the future. He did not dress up his words for fear of upsetting people, no, he said exactly what he wanted to say, swearing included. The woke brigade would have a field day today if he was still alive. They have put paid to the modern day comedy scene, killed it dead. Entertainers have been silenced for fear of being thrown to the lions. Such a shame because we need comedy now more than ever. 
Comedy on a stage, in a theatre, in a film, is acting. It is a form of entertainment. It is made up, a figment of someone's imagination. Comedians write a script, for themselves, or for other comedians to perform. It is not personal.  
Comedians like George see the world in a unique way. They don't take things at face value, they put a different slant on a situation. What is seen in jest often comes true. 
Start your day with a belly laugh at George, or move on if you are easily offended. 
Time for breakfast. Enjoy your day. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I didnt know of this guy...but he really is funny!!xx

    1. I found him by accident. He makes me giggle.

  2. Excellent - the hooker's bath lol Gave me a much needed laugh. Truth in comedy, big fan of his.

    1. I've watched some of his clips before, the cartoons add another dimension to it.

  3. This made me laugh. George would have a field day if he was alive now.

    Amanda from Sussex

  4. George's piece on "Stuff" is an absolute classic!

  5. I'm glad y'all found him. I've been a fan of his humor since his early days on Johnny Carson.

    1. It's interesting that his older videos are so relevant today.

    2. Love it, Ilona! So true.

  6. Hi Ilona, thanks for the George Carlin video to watch with my morning coffee. He was my favorite comedian. If you have time someday, YouTube has his "Cats and Dogs" video which is a guarantee laugh. Nancy from Northern California


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