Sunday, 21 November 2021

Singalong Sunday

Okeydokey. I've found a new freedom song. Anyone joining me in a singalong? Let's go for it. 
Boris said, no forced jabberwockys no passports. Nope, it won't happen. Nadhim said, we aren't planning to have jabby passports. Michael G said certainly we won't be having jabby passports. George E MP said it won't be necessary to have jabby passports. They lied, and they are coming.  

The pace is hotting up, the fight is gaining momentum. More demonstrations world wide are being reported. Not in main stream media though, news is filtering through. 
Rome Italy....The Hague Netherlands.... Paris France.... Zagreb Croatia....Belfast Ireland.... Vienna Austria....Perth Australia.... Melbourne Australia.... London UK....and many more. It's good to see a fighting spirit. These scenes fill me with hope for the future. 
I will leave you with this thought. unjabbyd and jabbyd need to come together. If we don't we have a segregated society, and the rift will not be healed for decades.  
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. What a voice! I know the UK isn't in wonderful shape, but I feel for the people of the U.S.A., I think the situation there is more fragile, more volatile.

    1. The plan is to push for total control throughout the world, there is one agenda, but that can't happen. Each nation has it's own characteristics, we are not all the same.

    2. It's been the plan for a very long time.

  2. Replies
    1. There are more of us than what you think. The marches prove that.

  3. Hi Ilona poignant song. Careworkers have lost jobs if they haven't had the vaccine. Austria are making jabs compulsory our freedom of choice is slowly being eroded so that one day in the not too distant future we will have no freedom. I'm not going to have the third jab much to my peers disgust l have been told by them to do what the government wants us to do. 2 jabs and days of feeling ill afterwards l am not doing it again. I saw a poster the other day in my home town and the words on it were if coronavirus is so deadly why do we have to test ourselves to know we have it. Made me think l know my views aren't going to sit well with some but all the time l have freedom of speech l will use it. I think you lovely Ilona will get where l am coming from. Take care and thanks for getting the truth out there 😘 xxx

    1. We still have freedom of choice in what we put in our bodies. I hope many more will give serious thought about their next move. If two didn't work, will three be any better?

      You have to be true to yourself, do what is right for you. The truth will come out in the end. Hang on to your sanity. Hold the line.

  4. Here's a thing. Daughter in law has covid. She is fully jabbed and very poorly. Food for thought!

    1. Sorry to hear about your daughter in law, sadly it's happening everywhere. I know people who already had minor health problems, all under control, now the jabbbbb has magnified them and they are suffering.

  5. I sense many seniors in America agree with the vaccine protests but for various reasons, choose not to go to the streets. I'm in still fully-masked Northern California where there is no serious talk about ending this yet, our government officials are caught regularly unmasked.

    1. The trouble with the US is that each Governor is playing it their way. It seems to me that some states are pretty free and easy places to live, others are more strict with the rules. I read about people moving to a state which will give them a better life.

      Our Government officials are just the same, they break their own rules all the time. I would like to see written proof that all of them have had at least two, and some of them three, jabberwotsits.

    2. Hi, Ilona--Staaates' riights are what is saving us in the US (our Constitution expressly forbids Feds from undercutting same), otherwise OBiidden would have succeeded at unilateral mandate attempt (of course, he too said he would never mandate). Currently, tens of thousands protttttesting in NYC. Blessedly, lawsuits are abounding, and in US, we have claaass accction lawsuits, which may be one of the few things that could ultimately bring the Big Fphaaarma down (Fueeeelllmich working on that with other lawyers worldwide). My state, and many others, not having any of this and participating in multiple laawsuits. Thank you for your work in spreading info. Anne

    3. I am pleased to see you are learning the new language. We have to do this to stay one step ahead. We need more lawyers like Fuelmich to bring the whole cult tumbling down like a pack of cards. Stay safe, stay sane.


  7. Trish, all comments reach me, including the three you just sent. I am considering my next move.

    1. Hi that’s good to know Iona x This is a petition to try and stop employers making VAX mandatory. I have signed it I hope as many others will do too x I don’t know if you’ve seen it.
      Again best regards and much love Trish

    2. thanks for the link, just signed and shared on my blog, Jo

  8. If anyone would care to watch some of Carl Vernon's videos it is rather interesting that the likes of Biden, Johnson and Merkel et al do not wear masks in designated areas but miraculously put them on for 'selfies' and public speeches etc. On rule for one but another for the peasants? That is all I am going to say...

    1. Sorry, Ilona, I should have put my comment is from Amanda, thank you for publishing it.

    2. Carl Vernon is a good one to watch, and so is Hugo Talks. Common sense guys. Thank you Amanda.

  9. Absolutely love that song! Take care, love your posts!

  10. If the vaccine is made compulsory we will no longer own our bodies and we will receive forced medical treatment for our ailments, real or manufactured. We have to fight this.

    Amanda, Sussex

  11. As Austria and Germany threaten to make Covid vaccines compulsory Professor Carl Heneghan says: "The evidence is clear that the viral load of the vaccinated and unvaccinated is very similar, it doesn't reduce transmission."


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