Saturday, 25 December 2021

Right for you.

 There are a lot of people hurting right now. They are fearful of what is happening and fearful of what might happen. The world is being turned upside down and there doesn't seem to be any end to it. No let up. Relentless. 

People are searching for answers, trying to make sense of it all. They feel so helpless, feel like they are at the mercy of some immovable force that has their future all mapped out. It needn't be like that. 

Look to your own future. The answers you need are inside you. Listen to your heart, listen to your head. Do what you think is right for you. 

Happy Christmas Day.



  1. Happy Christmas Ilona. Let's hope for a more settled year ahead. All the very best. πŸŽ„πŸ’–πŸŽ„

    1. Thank you Sue. I hope you get some treatment for your back. Best wishes.

  2. Happy Christmas Day Ilona 🌼🌈🌻

    1. Thank you jo. I went a walk. I hope your day was good.

  3. Merry Christmas Ilona. I hope you have a lovely day. Keep calm and carry on with a smile on your face. All will be well xx

    1. Thank you Nick. I think it's all going in the right direction.

  4. Thanks for your message Ilona. Happy Christmas to you. I am having a good time with my family. I am not worried about anything that I see on TV. Thank you for all the alternative information that you have shared this year. I send you blessings and good will for a wonderful new year. I shall be out walking, camping and standing with other like minded souls. Here's to more loving, giving, sharing and living in 2022. Best wishes.
    Sally Hawkins

    1. Thank you Sally. We have the power to turn this around. Stick with it kiddo. xxx

  5. Bless you Ilona never a truer word said. Merry Christmas lovely lady xxx

    1. Thank you Lee Lee. We will stick together and find a way forward.

  6. Sensible words Ilona. We as the minority have to forge ahead and be true to ourselves. Keep the faith.

    1. Thank you Linda. I can see the fog lifting. There is only one way to go. Truth will find a way.

  7. A message to the troll. I will never give up.

  8. Merry Christmas Ilona. I enjoy reading your blog. Each person has to think for themselves and do what is best for them. I'm not a crowd follower so my hubby and I are enjoying our Christmas. Patty Mc

  9. Thanks for all your posts ilona. Wishing you well. Angela

  10. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas enjoying your walk today. We took all decorations down today and are looking forward to 2022. I would LOVE to go part-time. I might could work a little longer and that would have my health insurance covered until I completely retire????? Something to ponder and break out the notebook and write down some figures…..You always have me thinking outside the box society likes to keep us packed it. I can hear you mother!!!! And I’m paying attention!!!

    1. It's good to hear that you are planning the life you really want. With the two of you working together you can achieve great things.

  11. Happy Christmas Ilona.
    Im seriously wondering if these vaccines are any good at all at preventing serious symptoms as I know 7 people who have still caught covid with quite severe effects. Brother in law knows 4 people who have died of it. All were double vaccinated. Then a great nephew of 9 caught it not vaccinated and very mild symptoms like a cold for 3 days. Also grandsons caught it with temperature for 12 hours only in one, and the other ill for 3 days only. Both unvaccinated due to age.
    So why are we vaccinating over and over again when it's not preventing serious illness or death?
    I'm fully vaccinated but don't really think it will have much effect. I'm starting to think it's just a money maker for the manufacturers.

    1. Your questions need answers. Three jabbbythingys a year is a possibility. If a body is reliant on treatments to maintain it's immune system then it will be a lifelong process.

  12. Happy Christmas Ilona. Thank you for your wonderful blog and your research page. It's nice to know that there are others that are on the same page.

    1. Those who are in the minority group are welcome here. We need to turn this around and become the majority.


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