Monday, 24 January 2022

Litter buggers

I sometimes talk about litter and fly tipping because I get fed up of seeing it. We have a wonderful countryside and it is often blighted by dumped rubbish and wanton littering. People chuck their rubbish anywhere they please because they are lazy. Out of sight out of mind. 
I took a slightly different route on my walk on Saturday, I expected to see some rubbish. Yes, there was fly tipping, bin bags full of bottles and cans, and some littering as well. It was an ugly sight. Some of it had been there for a long time. I rearranged the masks into an artistic collage draped on the brambles. 
If you look closely a used condom adds a touch of authenticity to the scene. It proves you can still enjoy a bonk while not actually looking at your partners face.
While I was constructing this masterpiece a big four wheel drive pulled up, an officer of the law opened his window for a chat. He asked me if I had seen any quad bikes around. Apparently they come here for a blast through the woods and across the fields. I said no I hadn't . 
I made a comment about the awful mess and what I had found. He said it is a well know spot for men to come to after picking up their chosen prostitute in town. They drive out to the countryside to complete their business. 
I noted that he was part of the rural law enforcement patrol, as it said on the side of his truck. In the back seat he had a life size plastic sheep. I wondered what he used that for, a decoy maybe, while looking for sheep rustlers. I told him about the dead sheep I had found. He said he had heard about that. 
Litter, or trash as people call it, is widespread. The German in Venice Beach, Los Angeles reports that a whole train load of Amazon parcels have been robbed. They used bolt cutters to open up the containers, and open up the packages, discarding what they didn't want. My goodness, what a disaster. Makes you wonder how many parcels go missing in transit. 
Now I must go to the Post Office to get some cash. I need to take my car keys to the garage and get them to check the batteries. For some reason I can only open and close the locks with one click. To fully lock the car I should click twice. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Replies
    1. Your comment made me L O L. Is it the story that is disgusting, or am I disgusting for writing it? Either way, I thought your response was funny.

  2. Omg ilona I hope you didn't pick those filthy masks up with your bare hands. The bacteria that accumulates in those things is beyond belief. The damn things are everywhere - the worst places seem to be supermarket car parks. It's like an obstacle course getting to and from the car. At the start of the mask-wearing, I made myself half a dozen cloth masks, just for wearing in the supermarket. I'm still using them. There's no way I'd use those awful 'disposable' things - polluting the planet. I think they're disgusting. The people who leave them lying around are as bad as those who leave their dog crap hanging in the trees in plastic bags. I often wonder why the government don't provide biohazard bins for the masks.

    1. I had gloves on. I forgot to mention the dog crap.

  3. Oops, should have added my name to my comments about the masks - Eliza from Wales

    1. Thank you Eliza, it helps me with the moderating. I have a list of banned people.

  4. Well ilona,maybe people don t know what comments to make about today's picture. It could be one of Tracy what's her name?!! I will just say its different from your lovely country pics ,they are more to my taste.x

    1. Tracey Emin and her mucky bed, or her tent where she embroidered the names of all her lovers.

      You never know what you will find next here. I like variety.

    2. I was going to copy Tracy Emin and embroider the names of my lovers on a tent..but apparently the local museum wasn't interested in a tent that just had Man Wonderful on it! Lol

  5. That's alot of masks hanging from the branches why so many ilona
    And they wonder why it's spreads when leaving used face marks everywhere I see them on the pavements, this gets my goat 😠..making the countryside look dreadful

    Levi -âž°

    1. I will be glad when people stop wearing them.

  6. I thought Boris had lifted all covid restrictions in the UK. Your condom and mask thing made me laugh.
    The Amazon thefts is shocking. All I can say is where I live about an hours drive north of LA we are getting all our Amazon deliveries on time and no missing items.

    1. Boris has got his knickers in a twist with his restrictions and rules. I ignore him.

  7. PS if I lived closer I would volunteer to go and help pick up the litter from those Amazon packages.

    1. I think you may get arrested if you did. The area is guarded by security.

    2. I did not know that. But that does not make sense, then how did the thieves access this area. Or was there security after the fact. No need to answer I will go back and read about it in more depth.

  8. There are those who litter, those who don't, and those who pick up after others. Like you ilona, I belong to categories two and three. Something compels me to take action. I remember the Keep Britain Tidy campaign, from when I was at primary school in the early Sixties. All these years later, and the problem is still with us.
    I found this link to an article by Ros Coward in the Guardian:
    It suggests that telling litterers to change is a waste of time. We need a zero-waste society, where the problem is tackled at source. For many years, I've believed that before anything is sold, it should've been decided what happens to it at the end of its life, with going to landfill not being an option.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.