Saturday, 22 January 2022

Weekend post (edited x3)

 Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic addressing the French president Emmanuel Macron, in the European Parliament.   The correct translation has been verified. 

Dr Aseem Malhotra on the tweeeeteratta. To all those courageous NHS workers who have made an informed decision not to have the mRNA jabbb, hang in there. A Government u turn is imminent. Justice will prevail because mandating this biological agent is unscientific, unethical, and impractical. 

The old man in a chair, Dr Vernon has made a new video, due to be screened tonight on BNTube at 7pm. This is the trailer. 

Good luck to all those taking part in the rally today in London, and those all around the world.  

1st edit. My friend was at the rally in London today, she sent me some photo's. She said the atmosphere was amazing. This was in support of the NHS staff who are going to lose their jobs because they are not vaxxed. It is reported that 70,000 people will be told to leave. How is the NHS going to cope? The waiting list for treatment will grow even longer. 

2nd edit. Consultant anaesthetist speaks out. Why I'm prepared to put my job and 25 year career on the line. 
I'm a husband and father. I'm being told my notice of dismissal will come on February 3rd and I won't be able to work in my profession from April. Despite this, I will not comply with mandatory vaccination. There's deeply concerning high quality ONS data showing a significant increase in excess mortality in 15-19 year old males that appears well correlated with vaccine rollout. People aren't getting vaccinated to protect against a virus anymore. They're complying to keep their jobs, careers, incomes, social status, freedom of movement, quality of life and basic Human Rights.

3rd edit. Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist and vaccinologist answers questions about boosters, and the new Omicron booster which the Government say will fix the problems. Here he provides information and advice. 

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. The tide is turning and the rats are on the run

  2. I’ve enjoyed your posts over the years and have a lot of admiration for the way you live your life but this ant-vax nonsense makes me think you’re becoming a bit unhinged.

  3. I’ve enjoyed your posts over the years and have a lot of admiration for the way you live your life but this ant-vax nonsense makes me think you’re becoming a bit unhinged.

  4. I’ve enjoyed your posts over the years and have a lot of admiration for the way you live your life but this ant-vax nonsense makes me think you’re becoming a bit unhinged.

  5. I’ve enjoyed your posts over the years and have a lot of admiration for the way you live your life but this ant-vax nonsense makes me think you’re becoming a bit unhinged.

    1. I think you are the one who is unhinged. You don't have to come here if you don't like what I say.

    2. Err..I just wanted to make sure you know that wasn't me! :) H x

    3. Err...I just wanted to make sure you know that wasn't me! :) H x

    4. Two people with the same name and nothing on their profiles makes it harder to moderate comments.

    5. Yes, I see the problem. I've changed my screen name to Helen M. Hope that helps :) It might take a while to take effect. Hope you have a nice Sunday, Ilona.
      H x

  6. Thank you for posting the pictures of London and details of the trailer. Much appreciated.

    1. An email from a reader talking about the Manchester Rally. Someone she knows went to it.

      He says it was the biggest one yet and the atmosphere was great. Very supportive and uplifting.
      If there’s one good thing to come out of all this it’s that we’ve met many like minded people, from all walks of life, who we would never have met normally, and made some great friends. We have more in common with them than with the old friends and family who avoid us now because they think we are insane antivaxxers.

  7. Yay protesters. Thanks for posting this Ilona !!

    1. If you go to Crafty Cats blog, you will see a photo of her son standing with David Icke at the London Rally yesterday.

    2. Good for him I know that he was one who would lose his job if not vaccinated. Here they have outlawed it through a lawsuit on one level for government workers, but I don't know about nurses or teachers.

  8. Here here good to see people standing 4 there right's ilona. 👏
    I was speaking to a lady today about all this what's going on when out on my walk when sitting on a bench drinking my coffee from my flask ..

    Have a great Sunday meanqueen "ilona❤"

    Levi x

    1. It's always nice to find that a total stranger is on the same page as we are.

    2. It certainly💯👍 is a refreshing change in these woke generational time's that we are living in .

      Levi x

  9. Not related to your posted topic, but I found this video interesting. When banks are in difficulty next time, bail outs will be dropped for bail ins. Depositors money will be used instead of government money. Beware of having too much money in the bank.

    1. I have seen this mentioned in other places. The banks hold our money, and are able to move it around to suit their own purposes. We as depositors have loaned our money to the bank. It may not be there if and when we wish to withdraw that facility.

  10. When they scrap isolation a doctor/nurse will be able to go to work if they're positive with the virus but not if they haven't had a vaccine that doesn't stop them getting the virus.

    1. It doesn't make any sense. Their rules just drive a wedge between groups of people. We should all be working together on this.

  11. Good Morning Britain reported on the marches this weekend, the first time I've seen it mentioned. Nothing on BBC, of course.

    Interesting to read about bail-ins. Nothing would surprise me these days.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. Some of the main stream media are picking up on other aspects of the news. We need more to address the imbalance of what is really going on. Big money has paid for all the lies so far, now it's our turn. It's like pushing treacle uphill, but we will get there.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.