Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Death and destruction

 Hello. I'm going to stick this one in here because it has caught my eye. A report in a German newspaper. Translate it into English. Trees fall because of monster wind turbines. The earth is being destroyed. I can't use a photo from the article, I don't have permission. 

Very sad. This is happening in lots of places. 

The conservationists are not only concerned with the trees. Müller-Zitzke: "The heart of the forest is the ancient forest floor." Here is mostly forest for 1000 years.

Busy today, back later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You must be able to speak German ilona because of your mum
    its sad people are ruining the world in such away .
    I read a news article about Cornwall wanting visitors to pick up plastic on the beaches that's a great idea,

    Best wishes Levi xx

  2. When we on holiday in Germany, the tour guide said that Germans thought of themselves as the people of the woods, because there were so many forests. It must be heartbreaking to see this.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Not to mention all the birds that are killed, and that they don't decompose well and are not recyclable. Wind turbines are just a bad idea all around!


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