Friday, 10 June 2022

Bimbling around Stamford Bridge.

Hello. Stamford Bridge is a lovely place to visit. Yesterday I crossed the Humber Bridge, took the A63, turned off onto the A1034 at South Cave, joined the A1079 at Market Weighton, bypassed Pocklington, and took minor roads to Stamford. There is free parking next to the river which is close the shops. 
Stamford is on the main A166 so there is a lot of heavy traffic passing through, to and from York. This decorative boat is right on the junction near the main road bridge over the river. The bridge is single track so is controlled by traffic lights. They really could do with a bypass there, but as that would mean a second bridge, that will probably never happen.  
The Jubilee decoration inside the bus shelter. 

Everywhere I went I noticed it was clean, no litter, and the people were ever so friendly. 

St John the Baptist Church was open so I had a look inside. 

I like this quirky decoration on the wall. There are two of them opposite each other. I might try something like this with all the cd's I have. 

I was equally impressed by this innovative artwork made by covering a large cross with decoupage. 

There was a balcony at the back which was accessible by climbing the stairs. A good vantage point for a photograph. 

Someone told me that the old railway station was worth having a look at, so off I went. The locals are very friendly here. It is now a tea room and only open on certain days. There is outdoor seating at the back, and a kiddies playground on a grassy area next to it. 

The old platforms have been left intact and a tarmac path laid for walkers and cyclists. I walked along there to look at the views from the top of the viaduct. 

Then I decided I must do some more walking so I got onto the path alongside the river. This is the bridge with the traffic lights. 
The River Derwent is on my right, I went under the viaduct. 

I came into the village of Low Catton. All Saints Church is in a very picturesque setting, to be found down a short lane. I spy a bench. A perfect spot to rest my weary legs and have a bite to eat. Banana sandwiches today. 
The Golden Cup Inn is a family owned country pub. No time to stop, still a long way to go if I am going to complete the circuit. 
I couldn't resist taking a photo of this spectacular tree on the main street at Low Catton. There is another one farther down on the left. 

It was decision time, do I turn round and go back the same way, or carry on to Kexby, cross over the river there, and go back along the other side. This track is known as the Minster Way. 
It was going to make me late, but I would rather fill the time I have than go back early. I went a short distance along the A1079 at Kexby, then looked for the sign post on the right. There was a post, but it seemed to be pointing in the wrong direction, and there wasn't a gap in the barrier to get through. I wondered if they had redirected it. Not to worry, there was an alternative path a few hundred yards along. That would take me back to Stamford, but add an extra mile to it. Let's do it. 
The path went through a wood which was very pleasant. I met two dog walkers who were good for a chat. They told me the path I had wanted to take, the Minster Way, signed by the wonky post, was ok to walk. Oh well, I am committed now to follow the alternative path. 
I was weary when I got back to the car. Then an hour drive home. It was a good day, 10 miles walked. I like Stamford Bridge. It would be a nice place to live. 
Now I must get some lunch. It's sunny again, I have jobs to do in the garden, and a dog walk at 4pm. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. What a beautiful place. Isn’t it nice to see places clean and the people friendly. All the pictures are lovely. Another wonderful walk under your belt mother!!!! Thanks for taking us along. ☺️☺️

  2. Everything is so lush and green and clean there. It's beautiful and I can almost smell the fragrant air. Thank you for the wonderful pictures that you share with us. Have a great weekend!

  3. You really captured the beauty of that place in your photos. Sally

  4. Becky from Toronto11 June 2022 at 23:18

    What a lovely town

  5. You live near some lovely places.. Lee Ann


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.