Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Late start to a walk

I was late setting off yesterday. There is a large area between Huddersfield and Barnsley to explore. It takes just over an hour to get there. I spent £25 on petrol, and noticed that the gauge was at the same place as when I started out. So that little trip was quite costly. At £1.88 per litre, every trip is going to be costly from now on. Mind you I might have to modify my driving and not keep up to the 70mph speed limit. A drop to 55 / 60 would probably be more economical. My car has a smaller engine so should be economical anyway, that's if I don't put my foot flat to the floor. 
I noticed that there wasn't many cars on the motorway, quite a lot of lorries though. On the way home later there were more cars, probably going home from work. I took the M180, M18, M62 across to Leeds, and the M1 south to junction 39. The A636 and the A637 took me to Flockton. I looked for a parking place but the road through it is very busy. Other drivers don't appreciate someone slowing down and checking out possible parking places. I gave up and took a quiet minor road to Emley. More luck there, there wasn't much traffic. A wide side road was suitable. I walked up the main street to the church. A good place to start a walk. 

It looked quite simple and basic inside. Nothing fancy but well cared for. Money has been spent on a new kitchen and the wooden ceiling looked like it has had a good coat of varnish. 
A lot of churches are going down this route now. Using the building as a drop in centre, for local meetings. Tables and chairs were set out cafe style. 
Over on the horizon is Emley Moor transmitting station. It is a telecommunications and broadcasting facility. Here is some information about it. If you want to take a look at it, watch the BBC weatherman go up in the lift to the top. The mast on the left was put up as a temporary measure for five years so they could work on the main mast. 

The rolling hills in this area give some nice views.
I set off down a track heading for Flockton. Lots of stone cottages nestling in the hollows. 
The post box at Flockton has a Royal theme to it. 
An abundance of flowers at the gate of a long driveway to a private house. 
Here is a little video I made at Emley Church. It was 3pm, no time to dawdle, must get that walk done. 
I have a few more photo's coming up in part two. The cats want my attention now, so we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. The tree was so interesting. Hubby looked it up and that lump on the tree is called a Burl and those are worth a lot of money. If you google burl furniture you will be gobsmacked as you say at the prices. The pictures are lovely and the day looks nice. I love your new to you visor mother!!! Thank you for taking us a long. Your trips will be my only chance to see the UK. ♥️

    1. Talking of burls, watch Scott o Connor making wall art from them. He slices into them with a chainsaw and makes amazing pieces of art.

    2. Wow!!! What talent he has. Absolutely gorgeous wood work.

  2. Lovely place. Those older stone rowhouses are precious with loads of history. That's what I love about your country compared to the USA. Buildings are so much older with more history. Blessings to you...Sharon

    1. A cottage in the countryside would be my ideal place to live.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.