Wednesday, 8 June 2022

The future !

I do not buy my food from fast food outlets. Personally I think they should all be banned. That would make the streets a lot cleaner if they weren't littered with all the takeaway wrappers. It would also cut down on obesity if junk food, and I use the term 'food' loosely, wasn't freely available. 
This new Tacco place takes drive through to a whole new level. No need to use your legs and walk to a store to buy food. Stop level with the screen, hang out of your car to place your order. No need to carry cash, scan your phone over the screen, and bingo, the money magically disappears out of your digital account. 
The future of food is changing. What we eat, when we eat it, and where we eat it. Prepared by robots, we become robots when we consume it. The next generation are losing the ability to be creative, they can only choose what they want to eat by touching a picture on a screen. 
Eating out can be a pleasant experience. There are nice restaurants with friendly staff who appreciate their customers. This new automatic nightmare, which looks like a posh cattle shed, is degrading for everybody. The staff working there are robots with no contact with their customers. It's an ugly building, why would you go there. The so called food appears in a perspex lift from above. No social interaction with anybody. There you go, now bugger off and feed your face. 
You might as well go to the drive in funeral parlour next door, because sure as hell the food will kill you eventually
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. It does sound pretty awful.

    1. It does. It's all part of the Great Reset, to control every aspect of our lives.

  2. I agree ilona it's very depressing no face to face interaction. I have eaten taco bell my nephew bought me one horrible it was , played havoc with my stomach straight afterwards
    People need to prepare food fresh inthere own kitchensmuch healthier and cheaper !
    Levi x

    1. I watched this video on yoootooob, and nearly everyone commented on how awful the food was.

    2. Yes mine was -avoid it.-. unless it's seaside fish and chip's ☺
      That's the only food out worth eating ilona
      Levi xx

  3. I loathe those fast food outlets and absolutely refuse to use the self scan checkouts in supermarkets. i want to be served by a person and will stop shopping in supermarkets if they end up totally self service. I'd rather eat less but pay more for it at the local farmers market.

    1. Cherie I totally agree💯..
      With you I hate the way society is moving towards
      Best wishes
      Levi xx

    2. Fight it all the way, Cherie. Grow your own food, buy local where you can, and pay with cash.

  4. 😵 I like to see who’s making my food lol I will just put the money in my pocket and eat at home 🏡 Fast food places must really be rolling in money to be able to test something of this magnitude.

    1. The best food for me comes out of my own kitchen.

  5. 'Thru' ... ugh! Factory-farms have had similar systems for years - cows wander in at any time when they want to be milked, robotic systems do the rest. I do notice that the only place singing the praises of speed-eating is the place where in my (extensive) experience commercial food (even in top-notch restaurants) is awful; taste-free and strange. There's a reason why we don't see "drive-through" fish & chip shops, or "drive-through" Chinese or Indian take-aways here (atm) - at least the food that they serve is still cooked in some way rather than just pooped out of a factory nozzle and microwaved on the way down a rubbish-chute towards the "customers" motorised mouths. I don't "do" "fast" "food" - have even tried the "coffee" that everyone appears to be addicted to, from Star-Pee Ltd (or some such chain) several times and it's bilge-water, totally undrinkable if you really like coffee. Give me a nice plate of steamed fresh veggies any day, thanks, bread that's been baked by human hand (mine!) or - as I hope for a treat today - chips (not "fries"!) from a small village chippy, eaten in the fresh air. The food there is cooked as you wait (a fair while) and begins with muddy spuds. The Establishment here tells us that the enemies are Russia and North Korea and China, but isn't it a little bit odd that everything really dystopian in "our" daily lives actually hails from the _Establishment_ entrenched over the pond?

    Just my humble opinion. Others are available (even from me). E&OE.

    1. I get the feeling that you are well ahead of the game on this matter. We must question everything.

  6. This sounds absolutely gross although I can imagine a lot of people will love it. I’ve been called a picky eater because I don’t like fast food and due to being vegetarian I rarely eat out. I’m sure my fussiness has saved me a lot of money over the years.

  7. This is absolutely awful. Eventually everything will only be accessible by QR codes, then that's the perfect set up for the social credit system.


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