Welcome to the cat and wildlife friendly garden. Let me show you around. This table is outside the back door. There is a bed underneath made from an old dressing table drawer, and an old pillow and towel.
In the garden are work tables. One of them has a pallet on the ground underneath it. A piece of old carpet on top makes a sunlounge for the cats. I let this centre section of grass grow rough. It used to be slabbed to make a walkway for the washing line. I removed the slabs to use in other places, and never flattened the ground. Too lazy I suppose. Now I am glad I left it. It is a playground for the cats. Can you see them. They like to make nests.
A shelter I made out of a dog crate given to me by a neighbour. The cats can go inside it when it is raining, or they can lie on the top in the sunshine. An old kitchen cupboard in the porch of the summer house. A piece of foam with a padded cover on top. I wedge the door curtain slightly open at the bottom so the cats can get inside out of the wind and rain.
The area at the bottom of the garden has conifers along the boundary and a wooden fence behind them. I leave this area rough for any wildlife that needs shelter. When I trim the hedge I leave the clippings on the ground There is a tarp cover over the plastic table just outside the back door. The cats can shelter under this if it is raining. I have two back doors, both of which can be locked. I leave this bed in a cardboard box in the passageway. The cats can come in through this hole in the door. There used to be a cat flap on it but it broke. I didn't replace it. I think if you have animals you have to do your best to provide some home comforts for them. I put food and water out for the birds, it's lovely to see them hop about on the lawn, and take a bath in the bowls. The hedgehogs are still coming. I always find that all the food has gone in the morning. I have two dog walks to do today, two dogs to take out separately. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip. ilona
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