Tuesday, 2 August 2022

My plan

 In this blog I post stuff about having a great life, about going out and enjoying myself, about walking in the great outdoors, about eating nice food, about my house and garden, about my lovely cats, about my friends, about the nice village I live in, about driving to new places to explore new territory, about the arts and crafts I make. I have a good life because I make it good.  

But there is this dark veil which is engulfing all of our lives. Slowly eating away at what we think of as normal. New rules are being made, new laws are on the horizon, new systems, new ways of doing things, and we are expected to comply with whatever is asked of us. We are being herded like cattle into a dead end of which there is no return. 

Our Governments have been hijacked, they no longer rule the country they have been elected to rule. They no longer lead us in the right direction, for they themselves are being led by those who have a much bigger agenda. Sunak or Truss, it doesn't matter. Watch the circus unfold, the result is already known, for it is planned. They might make promises, but all decisions will be out of their hands. 

They are tinkering around the edges and ignoring the much wider issues, the more important issues. They are playing for time until the next stage of the plan starts taking shape. 

People who are not asking questions, and going along with whatever is asked of them, are complicit in the demise of the United Kingdom. The great country we inhabit is being diluted. 

Now I must get on, and make my own plan for the days and weeks ahead. 

Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. The problems are global - caused by the climate, the virus, the war in Ukraine.
    The individual cannot fight the government and its 'cattle'. So, he'd better have a plan of his own of how to avoid flooding, fires, hunger, disease - and stick to it.
    UK is an island; might be affected more than a standard country , and need help. So, cooperation with others is vital.

    1. I see that you believe everything you are told on main stream media. Therefore it would take too long to answer you. The problems you mention have been deliberately orchestrated by those who have elected themselves to put them right. Problem - reaction - solution.

  2. Hi Ilona, what is your plan to get your pension money when they stop everyone in November from getting it from post offices; you said before that you would not give DWP your bank account details so how will you get your money ? Mo.

    1. My pension is paid into my bank account, not the Post Office. I have a debit card, I use that to withdraw cash from the Post Office. Some banks have this arrangement, it is not going to change.

    2. Don’t understand why it is perfectly fine for you to accept your pension via electronic transfer but then you have to take it out in cash to pay things.

    3. Fair enough, a good answer. Still seems draft to me, paying more for things because one insists on paying with cash.

  3. I agree with you Ilona, for the first time in my life I feel politically ambivalent. I have always been a bit of a political animal up until the last two years. It doesn't matter who is Prime Minister or what party is in Government because the wheels are turning behind them and Government are just a delivery mechanism. It might seem like a cynical view but I don't think it is, it is just realistic. I am making networks with others who see through the facade. I'm getting out and enjoying the freedom that walking brings. I'm going to places where I can still use cash, and I'm gravitating towards people and places that are welcoming and friendly. I don't plan on following arbitrary rules this winter, I haven't done so far and contrary to Government messaging, I'm still here and haven't killed anyone in the process. Here's to living life, enjoying life and not getting bogged down! Cheers, Karen

    1. Networks of like minded people are the way to go. My world is shrinking because so many have fallen for the scaremongering. I am ok with that. Others can do what they like, I know what I am going to do. I will network with you. xxx

    2. You are very welcome to! 🙂 X

  4. I agree with you as well. Living in the US, I keep watching this slow moving train wreck that is happening, and wondering if there is anywhere left in the world I could move to…but I don’t think so. Hilogene in Az

    1. The only thing we can hope for is that the slow moving train wreck will hit the buffers and those in the driving seats will be tossed into oblivion. Let me know when you find the happy place, I will come too.

  5. Hi Ilona, I continue to not recognize parts of our daily life here. And I find strangers rarely smile or say "hi" to one another, as they did before. So I can't help but think some citizens feel our world has changed and hopefully, are starting to not believe what we are being fed by the people at the top. Thanks again for your thoughts and insight. Nancy from Northern California

    1. Mental health is fragile at the moment, people have been blinded by the lies they have been told. It's not their fault. Our Governments are not working in our best interests. It's all about money. Nancy, as a person who is awake, you could try walking around with a smile on your face and see what happens.

  6. I wholeheartedly agree with you Ilona. Thank you for being brave and telling the truth of how things are going down the pan. Thank you

    1. If people wake up and realise what the big plan is all about then evasive action, like saying no, can have an effect on how it plays out.

  7. Latest........
    Voting for the next Prime Minister has been delayed after GCHQ warned cyber hackers could change people’s ballots

    Tory HQ forced to scrap plans to let members switch votes later in race over security fears. Means ballots still not sent out.

  8. Not my comment.......

    I think it's real funny that both Reuters AND AP emailed me to fact check my report about the hundreds of athletes that have dropped dead after getting vakkksed. But when I showed them the articles verifying each athlete's death, AP and Reuters decided not to publish their stories.


  9. David knew.......

    David being interviewed in 2014 on the demonisation of Russia and a WW3 scenario to involve Russia & China against the West.


    1. That David interview was amazing.

      Have you seen this one?

    2. Thanks. I have just watched it. I am tempted to go to the Isle of Wight.

    3. You might meet David!

    4. And then there is this book coming out soon.


  10. If there was ever a blog that promotes conspiracy theory nonsense it’s this one.
    The UK government is not trying to take away your freedom or control you.
    You keep going on about someone or something who has control over the Government. Well who are these mysterious groups, possibly imaginary. Limited understanding and misguided information is a dangerous thing.


    1. I can't help you. You have chosen your side.

  11. Well said Senator Alex.



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