Monday, 1 August 2022

Walking Group check in

 Good morning, it's the first of the month, and as usual it's check in day for the International Walking Group. How have you all been doing?

My total to date is 590 miles, so I have just gone over the 584 target. Phew, that was close. I had a few non walking days due to the hot weather, and I didn't include all the walking I did on Friday and Saturday even though I was on my feet for the whole of the two days. Some may count steps, I count miles, so there was no way I could calculate those two days. 

Let's see how everyone is doing. You may have your own targets, have you reached them? Is the weather holding you back? Or are you carrying on regardless? Please share your walking successes and your walking woes here. 

Here are some frosty winter pictures from the archive. Soon time to sort your winter walking gear out. Make sure you have enough warm clothes at the ready.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.  ilona


  1. Beautiful photos! July was a good walking month for me despite the record setting heat. I walked 95 miles which brings me to a yearly total of 583. I haven't set any specific goals except to walk as often as I can. Hope you have a great August.

    1. Hello Kay. You did very well for July. I think there will be more sun to come in August.

  2. KayH - Great photos! July was a great walking month for me despite the record setting heat. I walked 95 miles which brings my yearly total to 583. I don't have specific targets - just to walk as often as I can. Hope you have a great August!

    1. Ooooh, two comments for the price of one ;o) Thank you

  3. My July total is 151 miles with a YTD of 937. We left our town when the temperature started getting into the triple digits (37+ C) and headed north, something we do every summer because I hate the heat. The past two days it got to 106 (41 C) where I live so we made a good choice. My only goal is to walk more than last year.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Hello Sheila. Interesting that you move about to find more suitable weather. I follow a campervanner and he is in the mountains of Switzerland at the moment because it's cooler there. Fantastic miles by the way. Well done.

  4. Hi Ilona and walking group folks. Greetings from the hot and humid Arizona desert. I walked 32 miles this month, for a year to date total of 358. My dog is having health issues so we are walking at most one mile. I realize I could walk by myself but it wouldn’t be the same ;). Hilogene in Az

    1. Hello Hilogene. The change from walking a dog to not walking a dog takes a bit of getting used to. It feels like there is something missing. At least when you are on your own you can choose the distance and the pace you walk at. I hope your doggy recovers.

  5. I did better than I expected despite the heat. We had up to 36°C, but I walked in the morning when it was relatively cool, and sometimes again in the evening. So I am at 618 miles, and I hope that August will be another good month. We are going to the North Sea island of Amrum, and there are rarely temperatures above 25°C, so it is ideal for walking along the beach.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hello Hilde. Thanks for checking in. My German brother used to go north to an island for their holiday. Can't remember what it is called. 618 miles is an amazing achievement. Well done.

  6. Hello, I am on 477 miles at the moment. I don't think that's too bad given that I don't like walking in heat. I think my total will increase as the autumn comes around. Well done on your total Ilona it's really impressive! Cheers, Karen

    1. Hello Karen. That is very good. The heat drains me, and it is dangerous to walk when it is too hot. Autumn should be a bit cooler, and breezy.

  7. My total miles walked for July was 89, for a total so far of 541 miles. The weather is an issue for walking right now here in south Florida--very hot and very humid and brutal sun. I walk at sunrise and sunset, which are beautiful times of the day anyway, so all is good!

    1. Hello Leslie. Well done for adjusting your walking times to mornings and evenings. You will have no trouble getting to the finishing line.

  8. Have missed posting totals for a couple of months now, but never fear, am still active, have reached 1205 klms and only missed half a dozen days due to the really wet, windy weather. Joy Central Vic Australia.

    1. Hello Joy. Good to hear from you. I am glad you haven't dropped out.

  9. Sorry for late check in. Only 60 miles in July, my worst month so far (519 in total). I do better in cold weather.

    1. Hello Nick. All is fine. Keep going. Your miles are good.


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