Sunday 16 October 2022

No coffee, just a bench chat

Hello. I knocked this one out today, recorded on Friday. If you have watched it on yoootooob you won't want to watch it again. 
Quiet day today. A bit of gardening. Chat to friend on the phone. Got four bags of compost out of the car which I bought yesterday. Sorted out the cat food cupboards. Dog walk. Ate my lunch outside, it was warm enough. 
Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Glad you made a splurge on yourself! It's good for us from time to time.

  2. Another busy day of this and that. Now it’s time for a good nights sleep and a fresh day to start all over again mother!!!!!

    1. I don't have time to waste. I see to what is important.

  3. Talking about making life a little lighter. I've always been a bit silly and a joker. One day I said to Adrian "I'll grow up one day". He turned to me and said "Nah, don't do that, leave that for other people". ☺ Clayre

    1. Growing up can be very stressful. Being a kid sometimes is fun.

  4. Any chance of a shopping from Sainsbury's post, Ilona? Go on, show us what's in your fridge! :)

    1. Haven't got time at the moment. Other plans in the pipeline. I'll put it on the list.


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