Monday, 17 October 2022

Pumpkin pie anyone.

I called in at the Garden Centre the other day as I was passing on the way to Caistor. I wanted some bags of compost. It's a small family business. I like it much better than the big posh Garden Centres that sell everything but the kitchen sink. The pumpkin display was a surprise. look at all that colour. I didn't know there are so many different varieties, colours and sizes. It must have taken them ages to set it all out. 

Oh my, too many to choose from. I asked if they would all be sold before the end of the month. She said, yes they will. I paid for the compost and the man lifted it into the car for me. I didn't buy any pumpkins. 

Have a nice Monday. Looking like I will get a walk in once I have finished this coffee. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. WOW! Pumpkinville, UK! Like you I never knew the many colors of pumpkins! A really beautiful, bountious display! Take care, ma'm! Edith, southerly texan

    1. The interest in Halloween is growing here.

  2. The ones third from the bottom are very tasty. I grew them a couple of years ago - very prolific as well. Very east to grow and tasty…win win

    1. I am amazed that there are so many different varieties.

  3. Don't they just look beautiful!

    1. They do. The splash of colour is overwhelming when you first see them. They have worked hard to get them all out on display.

  4. Debi,I am not to sure if you will get this message.For some reason my laptop has really played up for the last few months....and I love your post!!!!.So tonight while my laptop is in the mood,lol...I am going to try n catch up with all that I have missed.Love n Best Wishes.xx

  5. I love pumpkin and have just bought some Atlantic Giant pumpkin seeds. They can grow to 120 kgs or more.......mostly for Giant Pumpkin Competitions...I am just interested to see what happens. Apparently they are not really very tasty. The Garden centre you shopped at looks truly amazing, What an incredible collection of pumpkins. Well done for supporting the 'little guys". I read your blog all the time but haven't commented for ages. Cheers Jo

    1. I have never eaten anything with pumpkin in it. The people who work in the garden centre are very helpful. Ask them anything about plants and they will assist the customer to make the right choices.

  6. The last comment was me! Sorry about being "anonymous" . Hi from South Australia. Cheers


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