Wednesday, 17 May 2023

A tour of inside Harewood House.

Let's have a look inside Harewood House. They do not allow video filming so I took lots of photo's. Put your device on full screen and click on a picture to start the slide show. There are volunteer guides in every room who can answer any questions, and are happy to chat. I don't normally go too deeply into history. I just think places like this are like entering another world. They are beautiful to look at. There are thousands of books here covering every subject.  

Extravagant and artistic wall paper. 

This is set up as an artists studio. The subject would sit for hours while being painted. 
I had a boyfriend once who had a four poster. Oooops, giving my secrets away. 😄

This room has lots of photo's on display of the Royal Family. And more books. 

Can you see me mother 😎

Dining for twelve. 

Can anyone play the piano. Where are you Terry Miles. 😁 Can you imagine boogiewoogie filling this room. 

Below stairs was open for viewing. I suppose if they are preparing for a banquet they would need all these pots and pans. 

Back upstairs and exit through the coffee shop. Nicely laid out and inviting. 

So that was a brief look at the treasures inside the house. Next I will put some photo's up of the Himalayan Garden. That was a haven of calm. 

Glad you could join me on this tour. Enjoy your day. Toodle pip.   ilona

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