Good morning. I am living two lives at the moment. On the one hand I am following my own rules of living my life as best I can, doing what makes me happy, and filling my time up with having fun. That to me is a perfect recipe. No outside interference, no one watching over me. On this blog I reveal what I think is relevant to that.
On the other hand I am aware that there is definitely outside interference, from those who deem they know better, those who wish to contain me in a box so they can keep a close watch on everything I do. I can follow rules to a certain extent when they are necessary, but now as I enter my 75th year, I think I have fine tuned my life so I know exactly which direction I am going. The only thing which will derail me is if my health fails. If I do fall ill it will be with something that is already in my body, something I have no control over. I will continue with my recipe, staying active and eating well.
I am always hopeful that things will turn out for the best. That's how I've always been. Yes I have had a few blips here and there, times when I have thought good grief, why did I do that. But it always comes right in the end. I can pick myself up and start again.
My thoughts sometimes are filled with sadness about what is going on in the world. I say sadness, but it starts with anger. It is a very emotional time for everyone. The world is going, in my opinion, in the completely wrong direction. As many readers will know I have been trolled by those who think differently to me. They have their own ideas and opinions, and I have mine. There are strong influences out there who are pushing their own agenda, and they are not going to let go.
My own feelings are that things will get much worse in the next few years. My opinion is that law and order will break down. It already has. The new and upcoming generation do not think like us oldies. They believe they can have anything they want, and if they can't afford it they will take it. Their sense of entitlement overrides any morals they might have about family values.
But today I am celebrating, and I must push doom and gloom to one side. I want to send out the message of hope for a good future. Each and every one of us must not lose sight of turning this around. The more we are pushed into a corner, the more we have to say, no, I am not doing that.
I think of the times when I have been in utter despair when something has gone horribly wrong in my life. But I was born with an inner strength to pull myself out of it. Some people are not so lucky. The damage that has been done, all in the pursuit of money, is going to take a long time to undo. It has to start somewhere. For those who see no way out, please hold onto hope. Follow your own path, make your own plan.
Once again my apologies to those genuine and kind readers who come to my blog. I will leave the comments closed for now because not having to moderate makes my life easier.
Have a good day. That is not a request, that is an order. I am meeting the walking group in an hour. Toodle pip. ilona
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