Monday, 25 September 2023

Watching the boats.

I thought I was almost at the end of these holiday pics, then I found three more videos. What a marathon this has been. A walk along the Pier at Ryde. I walk along the centre path. Trains and cars on the left and the right. It's three piers joined together. 

Time is running out on the last day, still more to see. The next pics are from Cowes and East Cowes. The two places are separated by the River Medina. 
The Spinnaker Tower over the other side, at Portsmouth. 

How do you fancy holidaying on one of these floating hotels? No thanks, not for me. 
This is the Floating Bridge. I photographed it from both sides of the river. It is a very short crossing. 
This is a very busy part of the river. Any smaller craft going up and down have to take note of the gaps at both ends when the bridge is in the middle, and wait for it move across. 
The bridge is pulled backwards and forwards on chains. It would be a disaster to get tangled up in those. 

Price list to go across, very cheap. Very handy for commuters. It would be a long way to drive round, and cross the river at Newport.
We had a good laugh this morning at Crafty Club. Two engineers were working on the internet connection. I think they appreciated the banter. 
Right, now I have to mow the lawn and fill the brown bin up with garden rubbish. Come back for more, I ain't finished yet. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. Looks a super holiday you had Ilona I feel I've been there seeing all the interesting things you've seen and donex


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