Howzabout a little singsong with the choir. They were performing at the Food and Gift Fair over the weekend, at Lincoln. Yoootoob have noted that the songs are copyrighted, but the owner has given permission for it to be used.
This is another choir that entertained the audience.
I wanted to eat my sandwich. The only seat I could find was at the cookery demonstration. I wasn't taking much notice, I just wanted to sit down. I had a lovely chat with this young lady on the Mouse House cheese stall. She is training to be a vet.
There were two cheese stalls, so I bought from both of them. Had to treat myself. They have long dates, till April/May next year. Excited to try them. Hard to choose a favourite. I open them one at a time, then move on to the next one. Should last me for a while.
The sun was going down as I got into my car to go home.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona
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