Saturday 24 February 2024

What's new in the town

I went to town yesterday afternoon, to have a mooch around and maybe take a few photo's. I don't need to go to the town, but I needed to walk on tarmac, rather than muddy fields. My intention was to photograph the less than glamourous streets and buildings. Maybe look at them with an artistic eye. Maybe there is something I haven't noticed before. A good starting place is Church Square. 
This new building still under construction is where the old market hall used to stand. It is not far from the bus station at the bottom end of the High Street. I do believe it is going to house a brand new Police Station. There will be shops below, with student accommodation above. 
The building on the right is the older North Lincolnshire Council Offices. This was closed through lockdown as most of the staff worked from home. I think some of the staff have come back to the office as I can see some movement in there. 

The white building is the new North Lincolnshire council offices. It is also a drop in point where people can go if they have any queries about the services they provide. 

The 20 21 Arts centre which I often mention is inside this church, which as you can see is undergoing a massive restoration project. The Arts Centre is still open, but limited to the newer parts of the building. 

To the right of the church is a fairly new college. 

After a chat with Nikki inside the Arts Centre I had a walk up the High Street to the top end of the town, in search of more photo's. Imagine the opposite of brand spanking new buildings in a nice open plan setting, to then find the further I walked the more run down it became. I didn't take any more photos. It was quite depressing to see rubbish strewn around empty shops. Shutters down, with whole blocks of shops abandoned. My artistic head could see nothing to photograph. Perhaps I didn't look hard enough. 
I think this scenario could well be similar in a lot of English towns. People have given up. It is my conclusion that no matter how much tarting up you do, at an enormous cost to the tax payer, all they are doing is papering over the cracks. 
They have to tackle the problem first of finding out why people are so disinterested in their surroundings. Where has the community spirit gone, which allows the deterioration to continue. Our governments have failed us over the years. They are now riding roughshod over all of our lives. I didn't want to go down the political route, but when our leaders are not ruling the country, but are being led themselves to feather their own nests, the book stops with them.  
I see Heckmondwike is going to get the same treatment in their town centre. There are plans there to demolish their own old market hall. I wonder where they are getting all the money from. 
My stomach is telling me to eat, then I will go outside and get my vitamin D from the sunshine. 
Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona

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