Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Ants in your pants

It's been very wet today, so I have done nothing outside, not even a walk. I went to Coffee Morning at the club, and called in at Angela's afterwards and had a natter and another coffee.
This afternoon I spent £68 at Aldi. I needed to restock the fridge. I was quite surprised to see that the checkout area has been re arranged. Some of the checkouts have been taken out and replaced with self serve scan yourself tills. This leaves four normal checkouts with assistants to scan things through. There was only one open though. Mind you this is normal anyway because the staff have to do all the jobs in the store. They are not allowed to sit on the till and wait for customers. I asked if there was ever going to be a time when only the self scan would be available. Say for instance quiet times when there aren't many customers in. I want to avoid those times because I never self scan. The young lady said there will always be someone available to open a normal checkout. It's a relief to know that. 
This is a short video that I recorded yesterday, it should have gone on the previous post. 
My attention was taken down on the ground yesterday while walking down a farm track. Millions of ants going about their business. They marched from one side to the other, never stopping. Obviously on a mission. Perhaps they were moving house, or stocking up on their food supplies. At one side of the track there were holes, like little caves. They kept crossing to the other side, and coming back again.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I never self scan either. I am sure there is something in those scanning machines that isn’t healthy

    1. Possibly. I don't like being dictated to by a machine.

  2. Aldi has just done the same at my local store (Perth Australia) I don’t self scan, the young ones seem to like it though. Loved watching the ant video. 🦘🦘

    1. I thought we might have escaped the obsession with self scan at Aldi, but no, they all follow like sheep. Ours is a smallish shop and as a regular I have got to know most of the staff. I would like them to keep their jobs.

  3. I never self scan as I like to have someone to talk to .Val

    1. So do I. Aldi whizz you through the checkouts at a breakneck speed, but there is still a few minutes to smile and exchange pleasantries.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.