Thursday, 12 September 2024

Emmy speaks

Good morning. I am seeing deep divisions in Blogland. People are so far apart, they will never come together again. Spewing hate is almost a daily occurrence. People have their own opinions and are entitled to say them. Well they are for now, but the wheels are in motion to shut down everyone who is at odds with how politicians run their respective Governments. 

I browsed a few blogs last night just to get the general feel of what is going on, and quite frankly I am shocked at the no holds barred gung-ho venom tumbling out of peoples keyboards. Bloggers and commenters alike. The whole election process is certainly turning into a battle of which side can rake up more shit to pull their opponents down. Name calling is what happens in playgrounds, and for some, it is carried on throughout a persons life well into adulthood. Even when someone has an extensive range of vocabulary from a lifetime of learning, they will show their true colours when emotions take over and they run out of reasoning. 

All this turmoil is prompting me to seek out alternative ideas for a better life for myself. Overthinking maybe but I have always been a deep thinker. This is what I found. Listen to Emmy. A good one to follow for inspiration. She has many more videos which I will be watching over the next few months. 

Now for breakfast. A portion of veggie stew left over from yesterday.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Thank you for introducing me to this YouTuber. She’s great. I very much enjoy your blog.
    Erika in Florida

    1. Thank you Erika and welcome. I love talking to older people, older than me that is, ha ha. They have such a wealth of knowledge and make a lot of sense. We can learn so much from them.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Five words and three question marks. That's not a comment, just a rant from an angry person bashing the keyboard.


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