Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Mayze has a friend

At 6.45 tonight I was thinking about putting the hedgehog food out. Went to the back door and found that the hedgehog had already arrived and was sniffing around looking for the left overs from last nights feast. He didn't seem bothered by my presence. I put a handful down right in front of him and he immediately started eating. He munched his way through it, and Mayze didn't seem bothered at all. She likes this spot under the table and sits out there even when it's raining. 

The food I get is Purina One, kitten food in a pink bag, for kittens up to 12 months. It's £15 for a 2.8kg bag and I get two a month. They keep coming back for it all through the summer. The birds like this as well, I scatter some on the garden. And yes, the cats eat it, even though they are not kittens. 

I think this is the same hedgehog that comes every night, and goes into the outside toilet through the cat flap. It left it's calling card again last night. It looks quite big. 

I have just been out to replenish the food and found a much smaller hedgehog munching away. It was a little nervous when it knew I was about so ran away. I expect it will be back later when the coast is clear. 

I mowed the lawn this afternoon so maybe that will be the last one for the year, unless we get some more dry days. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That is lovley Ilona the wildlife know they are going to get a good midnight feast at your place.i live near woodland I feed a fox every night he waits for me to come home from work at 7 pm he lurks in the shadows.ive been feed him about five years now his fur is starting to go grey I just love people who take time to help an animal in any way they canxx

    1. Clever animals know where the best place is to get food. I feel privileged to be able to help them out.

  2. We used to get lots of hedgehogs but none now - possibly since we got a dog & inherited another. I always left them food.

    1. Hedgies are cute and clever. Yours probably found somewhere safer to get food.

  3. How lovely to see your hedgehogs. We used to have lots including a mother with her little babies. We are surrounded by agricultural land and have fed all sorts of birds and mammals, and their cubs. Over the last several years we've not seen hedgehogs in the garden, but I read that's possibly because of the badgers who can eat them.

    1. Sadly all animals have predators. We can only do what we can for those who visit our gardens.

  4. So lovely to see the hedgehogs. I rarely see them now as I live in an urban area and people don’t make their gardens wildlife friendly.

    1. I don't know what back gardens are like, I don't get to see them. But front gardens, block paved or tarmacked over, are an attack on nature. Too many garden makeovers on the telly box. I walked past a woman who was having her front garden decimated by a digger machine, weed suppressant put down, then covered in slate chippings. I stood watching. She said 'we are not gardeners'. My thoughts, then why did you buy the house then. We have people buying three bed semi's, they have two or three cars. The first thing they do is flatten the front garden to get them all on.


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