Hiya, here I am in sunny with the odd shower Oxfordshire. It's been a fabulous first day. I didn't set off untill 10.15, a late start meant I had to do 70mph down the motorway instead of taking the leisurely scenic route which I had planned, but that's me all over, a proper faff. I landed at Banbury just after 1pm when the phone rang and Tony asked where I was. I said, give me two minutes and I'll get out of the car. Good timing, we arrived within five minutes of each other, easy for him he only had to drive the three miles from home, ha ha. It was great to see him after a gap of about fifteen years, he used to be my union representative when I was trucking.
There was a lot to catch up on, and as he has recently retired we were able to compare notes on how we were both enjoying not having to go to work any more. We met at one of those Toby Inn type chain pubs, where the food is quite reasonably priced. We both had a veggie meal with a help yourself buffet style to as many vegetables as you like, for £6 per head. Tony was the perfect gentleman as always and wouldn't let me pay for my own. Before we knew it three hours had gone and it was time for me to carry on my journey. I don't know if I will ever get to see him again, but it's nice to know I have friends I can call on even though the get togethers are years apart.
It was a short drive to Eynsham near Oxford, where I went to visit Jane from Techno Billies. The map print out took me straight there, and Jane greeted me like we were the best of friends, which is not surprising as we know so much about each other through blogging. I felt completely at ease as soon as I stepped through the door, it was as if we had known each other for years, we never stopped chattering. I can vouch for Janes home made scones topped with strawberries, they are the best ever. Jane has the cutest little dog. Fergus is like a small white curly haired teddy bear, don't ask me what breed, but his little face is so pretty, he is gorgeous.
Janes husband came home, and I was invited to stay for a meal, I was delighted to be asked. Although she said it was something she had thrown together, it tasted delicious, just the sort of meal I like. I really feel that our blogging friendship has turned into a real life friendship. They are in the process of selling their house and have plans to move to Spain. I am looking forward to reading all about it on her blog, it will be very interesting. Hubby is good at taking photo's.
The visit was over all too soon, and I had to get to my B & B at Burleigh Farm Cassington before it got dark. This is my room, nice innit.
I have asked for breakfast for 8.30 in the morning, looking forward to having a bimble round the grounds of Blenheim Palace.
First camp out of the year
2 hours ago