Wednesday, 14 February 2018

A walk to Keighley, a bus ride, and a walk back.

Hello. Well it was dry to start with this morning, so I set off full of hope for a long walk. After a full breakfast I left the hostel at 9.30am and took a narrow road which turned into a track called The Worth Way, heading towards Hainworth. As I climbed the hill I stopped to look at the view. The sheep must have thought I was bringing them breakfast because they all came running towards me. By the amount of rotting hay lying around this looks like the spot that the lorry comes to and throws the hay over the wall. Ooops, sorry sheep I have no food for you. 
Still a covering of snow on the ground. The normally boggy ground was frozen so at least I was not up to my ankles in mud. Had to be careful on the ice though.

Lovely views from up here.

All the time I was walking I could hear the toot toot, and the chug chug of the steam train in the valley. I went over the railway track and walked towards Keighley, passing through some fairly new build bungalows. I was surprised to see this graffiti on the wall of the Community Centre. Maybe it's a Banksy.

Sign on the front of the end bungalow. all well and good, till you look at the side of the building and see the rubbish.

Needs another sign here, 'This is a clean it up people zone'.

I got to Keighley station and it started raining so I took shelter and had a snack. The rain didn't ease off. I saw there was a steam train in, and started talking to one of the enthusiasts taking photographs, I was having a moan about the rain. He suggested I got the bus to Saltaire and have a walk around Salts Mill. I thought that was a good idea, so I did, after I took these photo's.

It was about a twenty minute bus ride. I would have much preferred to have a long walk, but having a plan 'B' is a good idea.

I spent a couple of hours in there. Had a look at all the floors.

This is a very posh home ware department, all the latest fashions for the home. Mr Titus Salt would turn in his grave if he could see this now. A big change from the industrial warehouse that it used to be.

College students made this model of the Salt Mill.

There are pictures mounted on the wall giving an insight of Mill life all those years ago.

Luckily when I came out it had stopped raining, so I got the bus back to Keighley. I have to say I didn't think much of Keighley, I could have taken a hundred photo's like this one. Rubbish everywhere. The market was quite good though.

On the walk back to Haworth I heard the familiar toot toot, and there was a train in as I passed Ingrow West Station.

The rain started again just as I was arriving back at the hostel. There are more guests in tonight, more families with little kiddy winks running about. I have found a quiet corner in the dining room to write this. I have two new room mates tonight.

Only eight miles walked today, bit disappointing, I would have liked to do more. Never mind, I'll give it another go tomorrow. Hope the weather is better.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. 8 miles is better than nothing but I hope you get further tomorrow. I think the rotting hay in the sheep field was either haylage or silage, which is a different sort of way of preserving the cut grass - either in a big plastic wrapped bale or in a clamp. (I live next to a farm, btw!!)

  2. Looks an interesting day Ilona-the steam train,sheep & the Mill.Even though there had been a frost here,my walk was as usual very muddy.Hope you have a good nights sleep & an enjoyable day tomorrow x

  3. Thanks for taking us along on your travels Ilona! Love it. Have fun :)


  4. My daughter lives near Keighley, not a very nice place. Love riding the steam engine

    1. Hi Pat. I walked into Keighley and out of it on different roads, I was shocked at how dirty and run down it was. Beautiful stone buildings left to crumble, houses that could look wonderful again with some renovation. Does no one have any pride there?

      The market was very nice though, looked newish and all stalls taken, a hive of activity.

    2. Yes I noticed how much rubbish lays around. Shame people don't take better care of their environment

  5. It is awful the way people drop their rubbish every where. Wonder if they do that in their homes? But what a lovely walk you had through the countryside. So refreshing to see the dusting of snow on the fields. Hope the rain stays away for you tomorrow so you can have a decent hike.

  6. Always good to have a plan B and lovely photos again Ilona!I would love to have the freedom to do this sort of break where as alot of people i know,would prefer to lay cooking their bodys in the sun on a beach somewhere abroad!Done all that when i was alot younger and it wouldnt interest me one bit now!Hope that the weather is a bit nicer today for you but I know that you will have a plan B if it isnt.Its great when you share your photos,always really interesting!Debi,xx

  7. That first pic with the sheep is lovely!

  8. Hi Ilona,
    Really loving this trip, the photos are wonderful
    as usual. Glad you are having a good time despite
    the rain. Yesterdays railway ones together with
    todays are really nostalgic to us.
    Wendy (Wales)

  9. Hi Ilona. Love reading your blog. For those that don't know (I didn't until I just looked it up) the 'loan shark' photos, etc on the wall of the community centre are a novel way to let people know about reporting loan sharks. It is a Government run organisation which aims to stop unscrupulous people taking advantage of others.

  10. You should have gone to Hebdon Bridge station Ilona, my son in law is station master, Jason Tarry x

  11. Hi. I am back home, it's late and I'm too tired to do a post now, normal service will be resumed tomorrow. Toodle pip

  12. Glad you are back safe and sound. Some nice pics x

  13. Thank you for your bimble Ilona. Really enjoyed looking at your pictures as this area in unknown to me. Your pictures of rubbish just reflects how things are these days. Bill Bryson the famous American author lives not far to from us and is often in our news supporting the clear up campaigns but even he is frustrated by it all and how little people care about keeping the countryside rubbish free. Rae x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.