Monday, 19 February 2018

Dashing away with the smoothing iron

Hello. I think I have mentioned before that I don't do ironing. I don't buy clothes which need ironing, because I find it incredibly boring to stand slaving over a hot iron for an hour or two. I don't iron any household linens, I have better things to do. 
I do have an iron, and an ironing board, which doubles up as a bedside table, so it is always there. No getting it out and putting it away again. Today  I did some ironing. I was given a big bag of felt offcuts all tangled up, at Crafty Club this morning, and they needed ironing, so I set to and did it. Most of it was in long strips. Here I am half way through, it seemed to go on and on, sorting out the colours. Mayze is supervising. Not sure what I can use this for, probably only good for small projects like the Christmas decorations, and hanging hearts. 
It turned into a 'tidying up felt' day, so I went through all my felt, ironed it, and sorted it into colours. I had one of these mixed bags once before and there is quite a lot of dark colours and narrow strips in them. A lot of brown.

The larger flat pieces I put in a plastic storage box.

I even keep all the tiny pieces. When I am making something small I look in these baskets first to see if there is the right colour and size, before I cut into a larger piece.

After I whittled the tangled mess down into tidily ironed piles, I gave up with the last bits. Can't be bothered to iron these. If I do get round to using them I will iron them as and when.

The weather has been wet and miserable today so this has kept me busy indoors. The cats haven't wanted to go out, Garcia came early and stayed all day. He seems to know what time to go home, usually leaving about 4pm, so he is waiting on the doorstep when they come home from work.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I don’t own an iron or ironing board. I am good at shaking things though :)

  2. Garcia is such a cheeky boy & very smart to know the time.You are very organized Ilona.I did a little bit of tidying on top of my chest of drawers today because several times a week I walk past it & I knock a load of stuff on the floor.My clothes don't really need ironing either & I only ironed one item last year.I found the ironing board so heavy & so last year I bought a very small tabletop one from lidl x

  3. Usually only iron summer tops and 3/4 cotton trousers. In winter 10 mins in the dryer sorts all the creases out of my clothes. Have never ironed bedding no point. I have a daughter in law who irons everything including towels, tea towels, kids socks and underwear etc. She will spend hours doing the ironing lolol

  4. what a worth while job! I love felt sewing,, I have pinned a lot of ornament ideas on Pinterest, little animals and things made from felt,, I have made a few hanging hearts, with embroidery and a few birds, I think you could find lots of ideas as well, working with felt is such a satisfying craft. I can't wait to see what you create! I really like your supervisor!

  5. When my son lived in town, he would come home from teaching to find two neighbors' cats had been enjoying his house all day long along with his two. Neither had cat flaps at their houses, so I guesss they decided to make themselves at home in his...he never cared...ironically, he moved a bit out of town, and one of his next door neighbors moved just up the street a few years later!

  6. Felt must last for years Ilona,because Ive still got a felt chicken,that i made at school when i was about 9 and Im 62 now.He sits on top of my boiler in the kitchen most of the year and then sits in my easter basket display in April.Lol,just noticed Mayze again,she reminds me so much of my Lily,same sort of colouring and likes to get involved with everything!You have got a great batch of felt there and Im sure that you will come up with a idea of what to do with it at some point!...Now the title of your post is niggling at my it from a song?..a poem? all i know is that Ive heard that saying somewhere,sometime in my life and I cant think for the life of me where Ive heard it!!!,Debi,xx

    1. Ive just googled this Dashing away with a smoothing was driving me mad not knowing where i remembered the saying from,lol...Its an old English folk song and also a nursery rhyme...Ive just been listening to it on Youtube and dancing round my kitchen at the same time,lol.Its a pity I hadnt got my ironing board out while i was doing so!!,Debi,xx

  7. the only time I use the iron is for my quilting. Brenda in the Boro

  8. Ilona I have an idea for the tiny bits of felt. Do you remember Fuzzy Felts? The game of sticking shapes of people/animals/trees/vehicles whatever on a sort of velcro board? Was around in my childhood in the 60s. If you could chop out a few basic shapes says cats, horses, fairies, flowers or whatever as there used to be in the Fuzzy Felt sets, they might sell as toys for the Cat Stall. Only problem I haven't been able to think through is the board to stick 'em on. Although I remember running my set of Goldilocks and The Three Bears shapes up and down the folds of my bedding, off their board, when I was little :D

  9. Had to laugh about Garcia knowing the time to go home, I had a similar situation when I still lived in England (now parked in France) in a lovely Herefordshire village. The neighbours cat used to come in through the cat flap (I've two mogs, moved over here with me) and spend the afternoon, he used to hear, as we all did cars coming and going in The Close where we lived, he just slumbered on, but when his "parents'" car engine was heard in the cul-de-sac, he upped and legged it home without looking out the window to check it was them, and was waiting on their doorstep as if to say "I've been waiting for you all day out here!". Now that's what I call a clever cat!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.