Sunday, 18 February 2018

Rescuing stuff from the tip

Hello. Back again. It was my lucky day today. I was walking down the High Street, as I do, at the start of my walk, when I came across someone sorting through the contents of their shed. They had removed quite a lot of stuff, and it was in a pile on their driveway. It caught my eye, as it does. No skip, just stuff. I asked if they were dumping any of it, and could I see if there is anything I can make use of. They pointed out a few things which were destined for the tip, and said if I went back in a couple of hours they would have a few more things sorted out. This gave me chance to do my walk and have a sandwich before I went back in my car. 
Look what I got, a very nice cane arm chair complete with cushions. It's lovely and comfy, just the job for the Summer House. 
A box of assorted bricabrac, there are some glasses which I will take to the charity shop. Floor tiles, rolls of wall paper, a wooden box, tins of paint, curtains, a throw, a bed sheet, and an iron ornamental pot holder, plus other odds and sods.

Oh, I see, Mayze has discovered the new chair.

This wrought iron thingy will hold two small plant pots. I had a small pot of green paint left over from painting the shed plaque, and the apples I painted with nail varnish. It's given it a new lease of life. A free garden ornament for me.

There are 21 new, self stick vinyl floor tiles, in a marble design. They will come in useful.

 I'm not 100% sure what this is. It's like a giant plastic comb, and bendy. The four pieces are about three feet long and fasten together. I think it is something you screw to the top of a fence to stop cats jumping over, maybe. Can't think of anything else. I have an idea for a garden sculpture for this.

Oooh look, now it's Heidi's turn on the new chair.

I think I did alright there, lucky I was passing when I did, or this lot would have gone to the tip. Don't forget, when you are out and about keep your eyes open for free stuff. Look for skips, or people sorting out stuff and loading their car up. Always ask if there is anything you fancy, don't be shy. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Mostly they say take what you want.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You did an amazing job! May you have many comfy times in that seat :)

  2. A very comfy chair. I have one similar. It will be lovely in the summerhouse. I wonder if the cats will let you sit in it :)

  3. Oh you lucky thing, I would love that chair for my summerhouse. I don't know how you do it, opportunities like that never come my way. Clearly Mayze and Heidi know a good thing when they see it too, I wonder if you'll ever get a chance to sit in the chair, ha ha ! Cats rule !

  4. Great stuff Ilona.I've seen a few skips around here but they are full of bricks & soil.I'm going to look a bit closer in future x

  5. You have done really well there, I love the chair and the garden ornamental pot holder. As you know, I do like a garden ornament or two myself! Looks fab painted too, another job well done.

  6. That chair is lovely looks big and comfy and hardly used. It just wouldn’t be put out round here - I live in quite a poor area. It’s amazing how people continue to throw out good stuff- I just never waste or throw out anything. I hope it fits the summer house ok.

  7. Nice, job! The cats look like they approve of the chair. It appears to be very comfy.

  8. Fabulous chair. Amazing what people throw away.

  9. I can't get over the amount of usable stuff that people chuck - recently I rescued a nice coffee table,2 leather cushions & some decent gardening tubs. All were heading for the rubbish. People seem to have more money than sense, or are too lazy to take things to a local charity shop.

  10. the wrought iron thingy you painted green, does look like a pot holder..Also, I think I have seen a photo of something similar with two bird feeders in it.

    that comb thingy is interesting...your thoughts as to use seem likely, but, I agree it will make a great sculpture, and look forward to what...

  11. Great finds! I love that you don't just get stuff for you but consider others and take stuff to the op shops; even if it costs you time. You are in inspiration to us all. The cats obviously LOVE their new'll be lucky to get a look in. Marigold

    1. I like that about you too, you make the time and effort to take things to the charity shops or sell them for the cats. The chair is a real bonus for you!! JanF

  12. and....if you apply a monetary value to your finds, you have increased your income flow by not spending that money to do things and by increasing your assets....Great! The people benefit too because they have shared things they would otherwise have to spend money and time dumping...and perhaps they have learned another way to do things in the future. Marigold.

  13. That kind of chair will be ruined in the summer house. I would put it indoors. It is a very comfortable looking chair and quite nice, too. I love the potholder, just the thing to have for the garden. I prefer the color you painted it to the original grey.

  14. Great finds youve got there Ilona!I love the look on Mayzes face as she sits there,lol.Youve made an amazing job of that plant holder aswell!You were lucky to be walking by at that moment and saved all these things from going to the tip.Although,I get the odd thing where i live,I never get a haul as good as this!!,Debi,xx

  15. Lovely chair, well done! I think the black comb shape item may be bird guard to stop birds nesting under the roof tiles, usually fitted under the eaves.

  16. A garden sculpture definitely! Natalie

  17. It's criminal the things that people throw away. Well done on saving it. I've rescued an old pot too in the past few days.

  18. A very comfy chair. I have one similar. It will be lovely in the summerhouse. I wonder if the cats will let you sit in it :)

  19. Nice charir, great job on the iron thingy, it will look lovely with a couple of plants in it, and some goodies for the charity shop.
    So all good stuff.

  20. The chair is a great find, we sold a pair, very similar to that at the charity shop last week for around £40!

  21. love how you scavenge stuff and as you say ^shy bairns get nowt". Brenda in the Boro

  22. must admit i have a terrible skip habit if i see anything useful im there in a flash

  23. good for you! getting it before it goes near the recycling centre/skip can be important, as sometimes the employees there are not allowed to let you have anything tore-use

  24. Why anyone would put that lovely cane chair in the tip is beyond me. The cats certainly like your new-to-you find. I found a similar one across the street with a free sign (they wouldn't have thrown out, they just didn't want to sell it). I carted it home, got rid of the spiders (it had been outside) and renewed it with a coat of white Spray paint as the old white paint was quite gray. I gave it to my Mom for her backyard patio. It didn't come with a cushion so she bought one but she loves it. That was four years ago and she still uses it every summer

  25. I am amazed that people are throwing away furniture and stuff so easily.

  26. The chair is really lovely.

  27. Like your finds, I too walk most days and always on the look out for things people have thrown out to either use or donate. Recently I saw two outdoor chairs suitable for our pool area (yes a pool not my house) as it is the only outdoor area and put them in the car and when I got home my husband said what have you got now and when I showed him he thought they are perfect. I also find stuff in bins/skips by just lifting the lid and a quick look. One block of units had a big bin and someone had thrown out just about everything they owned in the skip and I helped myself. This isn't to everyones' liking but I just don't like waste. One time I found a bag of clothes as I often do and take them home to wash them and donate them but this bag were actually the size my twin grandsons wear so I offered them to my daughter in law and she said yes I can use them.
    Regards Melinda (SE Qld Australia)


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